Economic Patriotism

Can you tell me what she’s accomplished in the business world that I’d have confidence, she knows what she’s doing in this realm of capitalism?

I know she hasn’t went into bankruptcy several times over.

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She also didn’t inherit hundreds of millions and perform worse than an S&P500 index fund.

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Now now. He heard it on AM radio. So it has to be true.

But clearly posters have confidence in a businessman who did go bankrupt several times.

No- a false dichotomy is a false dichotomy.

It’s when two options are presented and declared to be mutually exclusive and completely exhaustive when actually they are not.

A false dichotomy is “You either support what Trump is doing about China or you are in support of China”.

The people that present such false choices are the ones who lack imagination.


But judges! :rofl:

Definitely “ripping off” Trump’s populist positions. Why not? Trump[ ran as a populist but he has not governed as one… so it creates an opening for another person to run as a populist who might actually implement populist policies.

You can make a further attack on Warren. She is starting to hold Trump-style rallies (without the Orwellian 2 minute hate exercises). 12,000 people at one, 15,000 at another. Trump has noticed, he’s complaining about the coverage she is getting of this on Twitter this morning.

f you are a Trump supporter, why not accept the imitation is the sincerest form of flattery? Or are you suggesting that it is bad for people to learn from and use some of what Trump has done?

Stupid post.

Economic White Nationalism.

When you end up here I know I did something right…:sunglasses:

Calling actual definitions of words “stupid” seems to be just about par for the course here…:wink:

False choice!

I didn’t offer you a choice…

If…Warren truly cared about economic patriotism…she’d drop out of the race.

Health care for all paid for by the government.
Using the power of the Fed. govt. to protect American workers.

News flash…the government is over 22 trillion in debt as we speak. Where will the additional money come from that’s necessary to financially support this ill thought out idea…tax payers.

Ask Trump. He’s the one who ran on that.

Short memories. It’s like the promise to bring back manufacturing. Those only mattered when he was campaigning. As if the man ever stopped campaigning once he got elected.

Yeah, right here:

Your logic was “well, he didn’t make a law, so who cares?”

You certainly aren’t condemning his socialist authoritarianism. And if you’re not against it, you’re for it.

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Going to get me some fire water…