Economic Patriotism

Hmm…sound like she ripping off Trump idea.

And she wants to create a new federal agency called the “Department of Economic Development.”

“This new agency will have a single mission,” she said. "Defend and create American jobs. And we’ll direct the new agency to use aggressive new tools… [and] we’ll use them to boost American workers.

“This is not a question of more government or less government, it’s about who government works for. I have a plan to get us there.”

Other then federal goverment “new Agency”…isn’t this precisely what Trump is doing?

So is she going to create a new agency to tell corporation what and how they can operate? Where to have there business?

Inquiring minds want to know.

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No, this would combat what Trump has done. For example, the tax cuts led to record corporate stock buybacks that had zero impact on capex and employee compensation. There should have been strings attached to invest in the company and employees rather than deficit fueled windfalls to wall street.

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Right…just like she was tough on China.

Lets face it libs…she trying to steal Trump platform and convert it into a social program to push her social authoritarianism.


“Economic Patriotism”

“American Workers First”

If she can be an Indian, she can be Orange if she wants, too. lol


I guess libs don’t really want to touch this…Pocahontas stealing Trump positions.

It’s either vote for Trump-with-boobs or the kid sniffer. All that matters is who the DNC decides for them. :wink:

Tough decision…they can always throw their weight communist loving Bernie who like long romantic walks in Soviet Union, and who holds up Cuba and Venezuela as shining example.

I can’t quite find video of Bernie saying he loves commies…I did find this though

Remind me again oh wise one…is north Korea a communist dictatorship?

She’s one of those Snake oil salesman after pushing her false Indian heritage.

Sounds great. Will you support her?

Think about it. Of all the places you could go to for your honeymoon…good old Bernie goes to Soviet Union…walked alone the red square during the height of cold war.

This man is commie thru and thru. He just afraid to come out and admit it.

But his policies are clear…state control over just about everything.

And Warren is right behind him.

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And yet there is only video of 1 praising love and admiration for a communist dictator and it’s not bernie


But that is different you know.

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Well at least he didn’t give em money.

Either way…Pocahontas Stealing/Plagiarizing Trump positions for her self.

Yeah, Trump keeps telling that lie that Obama gave away taxpayer money to Iran. Over and over.

Hmm, I don’t see Warren proposing tariffs.

So are you saying you DON’T like government telling businesses what to do?

Or do you only descry liberal policies when actual liberals propose them?

“Government can boss businesses around…but only when MY guy is the one doing it!”



Yes he did