Early morning tweet fools the never Trumpers

Then your post is nonsensical.

Agreed. King of Trolls.


he earns his right to play golf just by dealing with the do nothing democrats (except subpoenas), hell bent on their quest

no criticism of democrats from you though

you must work for the news.

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He lied.

he is indeed awesome at it.

It was even better on Christmas. lol


I remember that. I don’t think we’re supposed to remember stuff. And stuff.


I’ve always been a bit of a rebel like that. lol


So what.

I’d be ■■■■■■■ pissed if he announced a trip like that ahead of time and so would anyone with half a brain.

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They don’t like rebels.


He golfs too much.

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That’s not the point.

The point is, since his regular tweets appeared to be coming out, many on the left and many never trumpers assumed he was just lounging and goofing off in Florida.

It’s not an illogical assumption lol.

But I won’t accuse him of not really caring about the troops or whatever.

Do you remember that D Trump said on multiple occasions that his father was not born in the USA?

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And what percentage of the time would that be true?


You got 'em!

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That’s why it worked so well. Because 179 out of 180 times they would have been right.


So…is that why he went to Afghanistan? to fool one never trumper? Is that what the OP is saying?

So…did he lie or not?

By that logic, Obama earned 8 years of golf because of dealing with tantrum throwing tea partiers.

In 3years, Trump has spent far more time hitting the links that Obama could have dreamed of, after saying he would be too busy.