Early August midterm outlook

You don’t become a surgeon by just paying up.

That accomplishment alone distinguishes him from Fetterman. There is also the TV success.

I’m not, and I’ll bet 90+% of these loudmouths don’t vote for his opponent either. :wink:

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More hard working vs not so hard working.

Fetterman is another Biden with his wife pulling the strings.


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Thanks to Biden and Democrats selling out the middle class to their new master…China. A lot of Reps as well. Biden is still there getting kickbacks.

Sadly that is likely. Oz isn’t even trying. It is a lark to him I suppose.

Might wanna check your timeline bro.

You could at least like look at Fetterman’s wiki page before you say this stuff.

Generally a man who tattooed the name of every person in his city who was murdered while he was mayor on his back might be a lot of things, but lazy is generally not one off them.

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It is just as bad as any other patch including McKeesport.


But he’s such a hard worker!


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I’ve learned enough to know he’s going to be a gun-grabbing extremist.

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Something happened after the primary. He disappeared.

Fetterman is outworking him with his speech coach in his basement.

Note the timeline the poster tried to use.

“Oz was a practicing surgeon while Fetterman was living off his father’s wealth”.

Oz became a practicing surgeon when Fetterman was 17 years old…because Oz is nine years older than Fetterman.

I’m sure the poster knew this (but who knows)?

No it’s not. You can um ackshully me on Pennsyltucky or whatever. But the actual city of Pittsburgh? In the East End where I grew up? Not happening, pal. I saw Braddock before, during and after.

And whatever your mental image is of McKeesport is, it’s worse. It’s Walking Dead level bad. Eighty percent of the city is just abandoned.

It’s also not a bootstrap story. He was born to a wealthy family, went to a private boarding school followed by med school and became a surgeon. He had to work to become a surgeon. Lots of people, surgeons included, work to get where they are without the benefit of a wealthy family.

It interesting “TV success” is an accomplishment/qualification for office but with Trump in the rear view mirror it’s no surprise. Maybe people will stop criticizing successful TV personalities for their political positions since they’re accomplished? Will conservatives start putting credence into the opinions of doctors because of their accomplishment?

Just teasing. We all know only surgeons and successful TV personalities with conservative viewpoints are “accomplished.”

Don’t chase away the last vestige of industry then.

They will though. Atlas Shrugged.

Braddock Mayor Delia Lennon-Winstead told attendees that “U.S. Steel is Braddock and Braddock is U.S. Steel.”

“The air quality here has changed, it has improved,” she said. “U.S. Steel has made improvements to change our air quality. … We would like for you guys to give them their permit so that they can continue to help our community move forward and progress and get better and stronger.”

Prior to the hearing, over 15 environmental advocates and concerned residents gathered for a rally at the Braddock Plaza.

Tony Buba, who was born and raised in Braddock, said the air pollutants they grew up with resulted in his mother getting cancer and his brother and cousin dying of lung cancer.

“If they want Pittsburgh to really become an area that people move to, we got to eliminate the pollutants that are in the air or the young people are not going to want to come here,” he said.

Spoken like a man who didn’t spend his childhood breathing air that smelled like rotten eggs because of the coke plant six blocks away.

There are legit concerns about pollution from steel mills. The smell is awful. Western PA’s air quality is already the second worst in the country.

Suck on a tailpipe or starve are not the only two options here.

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Emissions are much improved.

I actually do remember when it was a problem. It no longer is.

You never really seen or remember what it was like.

I agree that some bad candidates got select. The Dems did a good job getting some of them on ballet.