E. Jean Carroll Defamation Suit Against Donald Trump

No…it’s baaa, baaa, baaad. If this were a Brandon accuser, it wouldn’t get this coverage.

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Come on get real. If Biden was in court for an accusation of rape it would get wall to wall coverage.

Incredibly stupid of Trump to say and post the things he did after the civil case went against him.

It just proves he does not have the character or the temperament to be President. But I am sure his supporters will disagree and explain how these are exactly the qualities that make him the only choice for president.


Who was Tara Reade?


He did not do that. Show me where he said he had a right to assault women in video to the court.
She is a scamer looking for money.
Being raped in a department store change room is ludocruous.
He’d need 3 arms,
to keep her from yelling= ONE,
to keep her pinned down =TWO,
and to manipulate his penis= THREE.
[Ofcourse, if he had a penis equipped with a directional GPS or guiding abilities to find the target by itself…yeah, maybe two arms was enough].
Meanwhile WHERE were HER TWO arms to fight ???
Jury was as stupid as people who believe that colosal nonsense.

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Because Vagina cat’s Mom waited 30 years to make an absurd accusation in a civil suit…when Trump had very deep pockets all those years?

That rhetorical turd will never flush.


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Even the worst secret tape has Trump saying women would let celebrities’ do whatever…

All a bunch of weak twisted manipulated nonsense.


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That story was all over the media at the time. To say it was ignored is just not accurate.

Flash in a pan as the saying goes.

She is still around with the same story about ol’ gropey Joe.

No. I would say there is a first amendment right to deny that you committed a crime.
His error, in my opinion, is when he starts saying people are crazy and words to that affect. A simple denial should suffice.

The only way any sane person could say it was “all over the media” was for the intent to squelch it.

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Here is the Trump deposition – released portions

What was so striking is that he abandoned his excuse from 2016 that this was just “locker room talk”. Hard to imagine why he would do that.

As to your rape fantasy – better kept to yourself in the future.

What she has not done is bring a court case where both parties could be evaluated under oath. I, for one, wish she would do that.

I don’t think Biden has ever commented on the accusation. His campaign denied it, but he has said nothing. I suspect he listened to his lawyers while someone else did not.
She can’t sue for defamation if he says nothing and the statute of limitations has passed on the act itself.

Exactly right. The tape has Trump saying women let him assault them. Where is your tape that has women saying that they agree with him?

I bet there have been many women who have just left him, what Trump doesn’t get is that if he grabs just one woman that way, who then slaps his hand away, he wasn’t just rejected but he committed sexual assault.


So it was all over the media but only so they could kill the story. Got to love the mental gymnastics of our resident Trumpies. :grinning:

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Apparently some people think that grabbing a woman is not a problem.

What a strange set of arguments.

Why do you believe there are many women who just let him? After all this is locker room talk, isn’t it? The bragging of in secure man and no more.

And how is grabbing someone’s private parts against their will, not a sexual assault?

I would think most of the people who think it is not a problem are men, and mostly men who have very limited experience with women.

Agreed or men who have a very weird view of woman and what is acceptable. These are the same men who believe a woman brings rape upon themselves and a man os just doing what comes naturally. You see these sentiments posted all over twitter and reddit.