Drip, Drip, Drip...... Now Let's Connect Them?

It’s going the same as it has for over the last two years.

shes still guilty

fox news has been talking about how shes guilty

for years

you think im just going to change my mind

because you say so

thats a laugh

who cares about juries

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I know, and I empathize. You’ve been completely overrun. I feel for you. I do.

Well, I would. In theory. But no, I don’t.

You’re basically getting the outcome that you demanded, so I’m happy, and you’re pretending to be happy, so we’re all happy.

In theory.


can it be true

that she might not be guilty

what does court have to do with whether shes guilty

my favorite people have been saying shes guilty forever

were they lying

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Bless your gentle soul. Happy holidays.

oh thank you

happy holidays to you too

i really dont care about hillary anyway

with my friends i have to fake it sometimes


Of course it is…

Yeah - so true.

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No way I’d watch that entire video.

However, I did choose five random spots in it, and here’s my reaction about that guy from those samples:

  1. He’s crazy.

  2. He’s trying to be funny, but he’s not funny.

  3. He’s looking through his phone and promising the audience that he isn’t taking selfies of them.

  4. He’s crazy.

  5. He’s a freaking lunatic.

I don’t trust any living soul who trusts that guy.

But he is pretty ripped.

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That’s deep. Thanks for sharing.

He/she already spent more brainpower on this thread than it deserved.

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Some people crave those types of media personalities, even if they’re spewing nonsense.


ABC News ran a story about the upcoming book and Bongino’s campaign for a congressional seat in Maryland in which they quoted another former Secret Service agent as saying, “He’s [Bongino’s] trying to draw attention to himself and he’s hijacking the Secret Service brand. That’s all he’s got going for him.”

The “Unknown Conspiracy” that continually gets peddled around here makes me think of one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite musicians:

Billy Preston was the man, and every time he performed, he lit the place up.

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Everything you have been saying for 2 years is true, their job is to make you think other wise.

That video is the tip of the iceberg!!

Best part about Bongino’s book is he used liberal media to expose the corruption.

Her state of mind was treason!

You’re welcome. Few people are going to listen to more than half an hour of inanity/insanity when there are other things they could be doing with their lives. I gave him 5 random chances at 20 seconds of my attention, and he was a transparent failure in every way.

It only took ten seconds to come to that conclusion, but I gave him the remaining 90 seconds of my viewing time to turn my first impressions around.

He ended up being more ridiculous than I had first concluded. Thanks for sharing that video. It was silly.

I assume that you took it seriously.

On the bright side, whoever said that dude is ripped is right.

Oooo. Dershowitz says the Mueller report will be ‘devastating’ to Trump.

Then why did you type it?

Excellent summation. I checked out a few minutes of it too. Don’t know how anyone can watch him and take him seriously.

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