Drip, Drip, Drip...... Now Let's Connect Them?

You know, I’ve read so many articles about trump, biden, russia, ukraine, burisma…I’ve lost track of some of it now over the years. But one thing i can say for certain, is that in those millions of words, NOT ONCE EVER did i read anything about hunter biden being hired to help firtash.

Ive seen you blasting, rudy, solomon, toensing and digenova to no end about their associations with firtash.

But you never seemed to mention hunter biden. Now why would that be??

Btw, a quick search of the message board will show YOU and almost no one else mentioning firtash at all.

The quote from you above seems to represent your superiority on this topic.

Show us you care.


It was for Hillary.


That was from Jason Galanis who testified under oath to Congress that Joe Biden had nothing to do with Hunter Biden’s dealings

I didn’t ask you about anything to do with anybody’s testimony/comments/opinions/musings or cave drawings about joe biden.

Then what is the pertinence? If you can’t connect it to Joe Biden then why should I care?

If you want to talk impeachment, go to the impeachment thread.

Now once again, YOU have presented YOUrself as some sort of expert on all things “firtash, solomon, toensing, digenova, guiliani” BAD!!!

And everything biden, burisma, ukraine is just U.S. policy and above board, and everyone who says otherwise is lying.

And YOU stood above all others declaring yourself superior in knowledge and motivation.

Now I’ve come to find out hunter biden was hired to represent firtash. Why didn’t YOU ever talk about that before??

Seems to me biden-firtash is pretty big news here.


The thing you were referring to was the news that John Solomon was getting his information from his lawyers who happened to be the same lawyers who represented Firtash and the thing is that Solomon did not disclose this…. Which is very fishy.

As far as what you referenced with Hunter Biden…. It is going to take more than a known fraud serving time in jail making an accusation to believe it…. Especially when it is reported by John Solomon

So it’s your opinion that a convicted felon somehow or other determined that it would help his cause to go under oath before Congress, in a case of national importance, and lie to…“help himself”???

Is that the twisted pretzel logic you’re using??

What about youssef?? He’s not a convicted felon.

Is he lying about hunter biden being hired to help firtash??

No. It’s that I don’t believe anything that John Solomon says… especially when it comes to stuff about Firtash.

He burned any trust that he may have had with that subject when he kept it hidden that DiGenova and Toesing were his lawyers.

But it’s not just solomon saying it. It’s galanis, archer and youssef.

You’re blinded by your hatred of solomon.

lanny davis also represented firtash (and michael cohen)

Do you hold lanny davis in equal disdain??

And once again, doesn’t hunter biden-firtash mean that hunter biden is a BAD, BAD man??

Hunter Biden is a drug addicted fail son.

I don’t care about his dealings.

When one can tie them to Joe Biden abusing his office, then we would likely find agreement.

What Solomon has been trying to do for years now and has been unsuccessful is to make the case that Joe Biden was tied up in any of his son’s or his brother’s business.

He will continue to fail to do so.

You keep talking about impeachment.

I’m talking about hunter biden, and to a lesser degree lanny davis, representing your boy firtash.

Are you, or are you not the resident expert here on firtash??

Why haven’t you mentioned it before??

Don’t you “care”??

I am not sure what you are fishing for.

The entirety of tying Hunter Biden’s business to Joe Biden is to prove that Joe Biden is corrupt and abused his office for private gain.

None of that has borne out.

If it does…. The you and I will be in agreement.

Good morning Smyrna. Not a world-changing article (yet), but i thought you might enjoy this.


It reminds me of the lie told by 51 retired intelligence officers. I hope they get heckled by Americans in their home towns that despise liars like them? They must be held accountable.

There were so many lies told for the sole purpose of influencing our Presidential elections. Anything and everything is ok IF…it’s to keep Trump out of the WH.


Looks like ciaramella might be testifying in the biden impeachment inquiry.


Now the question becomes…who in the federal government is honest enough to actually expose this and prosecute illegal activity? Who? There isn’t ONE person on the left.

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What illegal activity are you referring to?

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Whatever can be imagined

Looks like rand paul was right.


Funny how “the whistleblower” was so deeply involved in biden’s shenanigans.