Drip, Drip, Drip...... Now Let's Connect Them?

You have incorrect preconceived notions that are your mental ceilings in life. You have a good heart but very faulty logic.

I thought you were just sure.

“The next thing I see coming”

Don’t hedge. Your eyes are wide open by these independent journalists whose goal is only the truth….

Here…let me make this prediction; this man will be vindicated and Pelosi will be shamed.


That is the claim. Turns out, that is BS as well. A few made claims of that…did not alter them being prosecuted. Why? Ignorance of the law is not a valid excuse. Also, once inside…they were no longer just trespassing. Many were charged with disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building.

He is already free. Also he pled guilty………… :joy:

You see how you are constructing your responses once the information you are fed is discussed

What does that tell you about being informed?

I look at evidence, not feelings. These people you rely on, are not credible. But, they tell you what you want to hear.

K…and here we find ourselves on different sides of the aisle and the truth will be exposed soon. Let’s watch together…drip, drip, drip. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Who is credible? Who has the truth?

Yep…and why? Who could help him? Who would help him and risk being disbarred? The weaponization of our government was used full force on this guy because to a degree, he was the face of January 6th.

The truth is out there…you just refuse to believe it. This is not a both sides issue.
This is using credible evidence to form an informed opinion. Try it…you might like it.

Why would a def atty be disbarred? Have any attorneys representing Jan 6 been disbarred or threatened with disbarment solely for taking Jan 6 cases to trial? Of course not but there is always the fervent imagination

You are doing it again. You are inventing reasons instead of having eyes wide open

You are spouting now. Please stop.


Who has the truth?

I know…just like you swallowed the Fani bull feces. Keep swallowing and I’ll keep trying to feed you the truth. K? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

How is it the attorney/client relationship doesn’t apply anymore when it involves the current DoJ? Your eyes are closed to what’s happening my friend.

What are you talking about? What attorney/client relationship is not applicable anymore? Why are you saying randomness and claiming it as reality

It is just randomly applicable now, depending on party affiliation.


What are you bantering about now? Another conspiracy?

How was it breached?

Their eyes (c) aren’t closed. They approve.

Of what exactly? Can someone show where this happened m?