Drip, Drip, Drip...... Now Let's Connect Them?

There is no war…except possibly in some people’s minds.

Liberal American traditions:

Feed the hungry
Heal the sick.
Be unjudgmental
Do not do to others what you do not want them to do to you

He would pack the house with a bunch of loyalist yes persons…
Only he can fix anything…he does not need any help or advise.

According to him.

Ane people actually buy that BS…isn’t it amazing?!

In other words, they are presenting facts that you cannot prove incorrect…so you try to mock the person.

Do you have a hot key for Russion Dillusion Confusion"?

Homeless all over
Abortion on demand
Marriage is between a man and a woman
Riots and looting run rampant

And don’t forget abusing the powers of government.


Libs have created messes all around the country with mass murders going on amongst the youngest in our society, fentanyl overdoses at record highs due to an open border policy that began on DAY 1 of the Brandon Administration, millions and millions and millions and millions of illegals overloading a system paid for by taxpayers who now can’t even receive these services in many cases due to this system now being overloaded, our children thinking they’re the opposite sex at over 4000% increase in just a few years…

Take your "V"irtuous, flawed mental eyes and open them to the reality of the total devastation libs have done to this country and look no further than California or NYC for the evidence that supports what I just said.

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The weaponization of our once trusted government institutions continues. Here’s a journalist that has concentrated on exposing the truth about January 6th. He now says that the FBI is going to arrest him tomorrow for his journalism. Does everyone understand how this goes against the very Constitution this country is based upon? Pay attention my fellow Americans…your freedoms are being attacked!

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.


And if it doesn’t happen can anything else he says be believed? Or should we take it with a grain of salt?

He is not credentialed journalist.

If you want to believe a Pelosi, that’s up to you but this whole J6 day does not add up to what was presented. I don’t have to go any further than lie #1 regarding officer Sicknick being beaten to death with a fire extinguisher by Trump supporters. They’re still feeding and looking for those that are still eating. Are you one of those still hungry?

I have told you for years that if you want to hear some truth, go outside of the MSM but you keep doing what you’re doing and expect different results. What’s that the definition of again? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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If he doesn’t get arrested for being a journalist should we believe anything else he says?

Or do you want to make it about pelosi after making it about freedom!!!

The question is, did the FBI contact him and insinuate this would be the case? That’s on him but what you’re suggesting is on the FBI’s actions. That said, do you still trust the FBI?

So now we are setting conditions on the possibility of his arrest

So he was just contacted not actually being arrested for being a journalist

How far down his garbage chute sorry rabbit hole are you willing to go before you start understanding that you are being fed nonsense

You quoted the first amendment why?

My, my, my…your approach to seeking the truth obviously differs from mine but that’s ok…I’ll be around hopefully for a while more to keep you informed. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Keep me informed by people posting videos of people lying to you that they are going to be arrested for their journalism and quoting the first amendment when it’s not applicable

You have been had


Because it’s a day that ends with a y

Why did you quote the first amendment? Because a self professed martyr told you your freedoms are under attack. It’s garbage and you dig through it while believing that what you are really doing is being informed.

Keep digging :blush:

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Then observe when the Supreme Court considers how the DoJ weaponized section 1512 C2 and releases those corruptly charged. There’s the next thing I see coming. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

And I have told you that the people you choose to believe are not journalists, and have an agenda that you agree with. Sadly, you believe the wannabe journalist with zero training or credentials, who happen to fall for conspiracies…

If he broke the law…he needs to be held accountable.

Others have claimed the same BS…it did not help them either.

Who’s your go to journalist?

So all the rioters? Based on your research and keeping yourself informed who will be released?

Those being escorted around the capitol by DC police are a good start.