Drip, Drip, Drip...... Now Let's Connect Them?

So, you won’t answer the questions.

Alrighty then sheoplized libs…I’ve got to go stimulate the American economy to help pay for your stupidity. Carry on and I’ll see you…same bat time, same bat channel. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Put on a life jacket of mentality and swim out to the deep end of life to better comprehend. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

No, you said he did poorly.

Not a lib.


It’s deep with horse ■■■■■

It’s what you said.

So Yeah… you are losing the plot.

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…and you are supporting a loser. I guess the ole saying is true…“birds of a feather…”. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

You are the guy who is saying that Trump failed to do a bunch of stuff in his first term so he should be elected again.

Maybe he isn’t the guy to get the things that you want to get done… done.

What I said was, Trump picked the wrong people. He started the building of a southern border wall but…some of his people and those on the left worked against him and it didn’t even get started until the end of his term. There are many examples of tasks he started but the forces of his own people and the likes of the Pelosi klan who totally worked against him. Now that there are Gaetz, Greene, Comer, Jordan and so many others who will help both expose and overcome these corrupt, insider forces along with those he appoints.

So he failed… Now we should give him another chance.

Dude…remember…you are a Russian collusion swallowing Brandonite without any credibility. You should try listening to someone wiser, who doesn’t make your level of political mistakes and enjoy a better life. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

and you were and are a Kerri lake delusion swallower. Nothing she postulated or sued for or tried to prove came to fruition


And something about mules :blush:


I accept the findings of the Mueller Report.

You thought 2000 mules was real.

There is a difference.

I don’t know what you believe has justified your Kerri…Kari Lake opinion but there were enough dots that still don’t connect that leaves my opinion…in my opinion…unfinished.

You two are a choir of liberosity and in the additional stress of these times…I need a good laugh. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:.

Which means that anything can be possible

None of her lawsuits or appeals proved anything. There are no dots. You have to insist there could be in order to never admit being wrong and call yourself wiser

To some extent it is wise to never admit being wrong f. It’s useful but only to come extent.

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Which means that what happened with the voting machine confusion in Maricopa County combined with the size of the ballots plus the fact that the winner was in control of the election are just a few of the dots that do not connect. This isn’t about just “anything”.

None of which she was able to prove in a court of law that considered her story and her evidence.

Now you have to grab on to something which now based in your opinion and not in anything provable. Having unsubstantiated opinions and clinging to them despite court rulings considering the evidence that is purported to exist isn’t having your eyes open. It’s actually the opposite. It’s dreaming of a different posdibl outcome


You’re correct. Therefore…I wait. Drip, drip, drip… That’s how this ■■■■ works. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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Me too.