Drip, Drip, Drip...... Now Let's Connect Them?

Yes the Taibi subyace article with an anonymous source and a lot of aspersions

Not everything is about him

What’s the issue with Ukraine and the cia……

Now reverse everything and Trump did this to his political opponents? You’d be silent…amirite?

Why is everything about Trump?

We are discussing the cia doing something in Ukraine to collect intelligence about Russia

Why is th reflexive need to make everything about him.

…cuz LIBS made it that way. Now…open your eyes to reality. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Then be better and focus

Yeah he did

From the NYT article

And it continues

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I will when this lib WAR against American traditions, family values, the nuclear family, doing sex surgery on our children and the many other lib atrocities that’s so prevalent right now is over. Until then, I stand against it.


You lost the plot.

Have a productive day


Exactly…which is what I’ve said all along. Trump did NOT surround himself with the best people. Many were establishment turds. In making this mistake, he has been fighting battle, after battle, after battle. The political establishment on both sides of the aisle, the media, Democrats in particular and the sheople among us have attempted to destroy him and yet, he is one of the few that is actually fighting for this nation’s best interests. The good news is, he’s learned something from it all and will bring this experience to the next administration with the goal of cleaning house.

Then reread the OP and learn something I’ve told you years ago.

Can you cite an example of Zelensky’s corruption?

Why are you making excuses for Putin invading a peaceful sovereign nation?

Isn’t gathering information about Putin’s military good?

Why are you rooting against the USA?

Trump allowed things to happen that I don’t like, so I’ll vote for him again!

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Why don’t you want us to gather information on the russian military?

How can one hold this idea and the notion that Trump “he’ll clean our dirty house” at the same time? This is also predicated on the belief that Trump was so ineffectual at directing foreign policy that this all happened without his knowledge or permission. It’s quite a wild way to live.

He completely failed the first time so lets give him another chance! A winning election message if there ever was one.


Trump asked Zelensky to provide information on Biden.

You didn’t care.

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Why are you not paying more in taxes and putting your money where your big mouth is? You simply swallow what you’re being fed, while ignoring the reality around you. “We” do not have the money to satisfy your "V"irtuous feeeeeeeelings. If I were king, I’d put up the increase in taxes for all those who support this, so that they can ACTUALLY feel the reality of their ill thought out, sheoplized decisions.


Which expanded under Trump.

…Burisma! Now what is it about Burisma that YOU DO NOT care about?

…said the sheoplized lib. Orange man baaa, baaa, baaad. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass: