Drip, Drip, Drip...... Now Let's Connect Them?

Good thing the fbi “found” their decade long, (reportedly) well paid “trusted” source.

Zelensky is almost as corrupt as putin imo.



I am glad to see that so many among us are now waking up to the OP of this tread. Our government has been weaponized. Our once trusted institution such as the FBI, the CIA, the DoJ have evolved into political establishment weapons. Here is Dr. Ben Carson calling it out. Listen up people…the truth is now being told.

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Interesting take on that article.

How does that dovetail into the Tucker/Putin interview when Putin said that it wasn’t NATO expansion that was the cause for him invading Ukraine?

…and BAM…here’s @Jezcoe making another excuse…right on time. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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What excuse? I am referring to what Putn said.

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What’s the issue with the cia building out a network in Ukraine?

It means that Putin invading a sovereign nation is our fault.


Would we allow Russia to do the same on Cuba? If they did, what would “we” do? Now…the US did the same under Obama and here “we” are today spending billions and billions and billions and billions and billions that “we” do not have. It began under Obama and accelerated under Biden. Thanks libs.

US intelligence has not only been instrumental in Ukraine wartime decision-making, but has established and financed high tech command-and-control spy centers, and was doing so long prior to the Feb. 24 Russian invasion of two years ago.

Among the biggest revelations is that the program was established a decade ago and spans three different American presidents.

Why does it matter what Russia wants to do?

Did you read the part that the setup allowed a bunch of information about the Russian military capability to reach American intellgience agenicies?

The fact that it spanned under three American presidents including a certain one in the middle tells you what exactly….

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Monroe Doctrine

You left out a President in there… one that expanded it all.

What about it? That’s in one direction.

No he didn’t but nice try. Now if you’d like to be more accurate, those unelected that did their corrupt shenanigans while Trump was POTUS is simply another reason why I’ll vote for Trump. He’s learned how corrupt our government actually is and IMO…he’ll clean our dirty house.

Uh, huh…and that lib mentality is why we’re spending billions on this predictable war.

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Don’t lose the plot

What’s the problem with the cia as an intelligence agency using an important source of information for gaining intelligence about Russia?

The monroe doctrine is from 200 years ago. Times have somewhat changed. Just a bit.

You didn’t read the article.

He did. He expanded the program that continued to give more and more money to Ukraine via the cia

Of course you didn’t read the article. You needed someone else to deliver the news to you and leave out the annoying details.


It holds that any intervention in the political affairs of the Americas by foreign powers is a potentially hostile act against the United States.

Have they? So now it’s ok? That’s a very small conception of what it’s all about. I hold myself to the same standards I hold others to. In doing so, if I conclude that I am going to launch a retaliation, I can do so knowing it was the right thing to do and not hypocritical.

What’s…What’s the…? What??

Gee, i don’t know. What could possibly be an issue??