Drip, Drip, Drip...... Now Let's Connect Them?

You first link to an article that is based on a substack that has literally zero evidence for the claims made and then you link to an article about Mark Meadows making off with a binder of classified material that has to do with Five Eyes Intelligence on Russian Interference during the 2016 election and how that binder has just disappeared and somehow that shows… what again?

I didn’t. Thanks for posting it. Now a whole new layer of the political establishment that was dead set on removing Trump from the WH by any means necessary has been partially revealed and it’s gone…missing.

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Some good news, in spite of the corrupt establishment take over of this country’s government that’s gone on for years now, we the people who are fighting to get it back, just won a serious battle in that effort, with the impeachment of Mayorkas.

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Here’s a parallel report on it with a tiny bit more info.

We knew the FISA warrants against Carter Page were illegally obtained, with FBI officials doctoring evidence, but that was just one piece of the puzzle. While that surveillance operation was illegal, the rest of the investigation was more or less viewed as a politically driven wild goose chase aimed to damage the Trump

…and yet, the FISA judge has remained silent, not prosecuting those that used lies to get the warrant? Is this FISA judge and our federal judicial system a part of the organized corruption? Let’s continue;

Federal judge dismisses Carter Page lawsuit over government surveillance

A federal judge on Thursday dismissed a lawsuit brought by Trump 2016 campaign adviser Carter Page, who sued the FBI and Justice Department for damages stemming from the controversial government surveillance he faced due to his Russian ties.

However, the process that the FBI and DOJ used to secure the warrants was riddled with errors, mistakes and overall sloppiness, according to a DOJ inspector general report. Investigators also relied in part on material from the notorious Trump-Russia dossier, written by a retired British spy, which has since been largely discredited.

Two of the four surveillance warrants granted by the secretive FISA court have since been declared invalid – a major blow to the credibility of the FBI’s early Russia probe.

Part of Friedrich’s rationale for tossing the lawsuit is that Page sued the wrong people. The defendants were involved in drafting the court filings that led to the surveillance, and some even greenlit the surveillance, but none of them conducted the surveillance.

You tell me everybody…“he sued the wrong people”?! What the ■■■■ …

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Yea sure you do and you use there name in vain. It is amazing what you lie about.


You guys continually crack me up.

What crimes and misdemeanors did he commit? Also…it will die in the Senate.

He is in charge of the border that was not broken until HE entered the picture. He’s lied to Congress over and over telling them the border is secure. Now…IYO…is it or was that a blatant lie?

I believe it will die in the Senate because there are many among us that don’t really seem to care. They care about the Ukraine’s border but not our own.

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None of those are crimes or misdemeanors.

He’s been accused of perjury before congress on multiple occasions.

Those are crimes.

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How many times can you be wrong in one lifetime?

Section 1621 covers general perjury, and stipulates that anyone who “willfully and contrary to such oath states or subscribes any material matter which he does not believe to be true” is guilty of perjury and shall be fined or imprisoned up to five years, or both. Section 1001 covers false statements more generally, without requiring an oath. The section stipulates that “whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the government of the United States, knowingly and willfully” falsifies or conceals information, including before a congressional committee’s inquiry, may also be fined or imprisoned up to five years.

Now consider this entire thread that’s based on the belief that our government agencies have been weaponized for political purposes. Look at all of the denials by the left…for years now. I’ve phrased it as the sheoplization of the United States by our corrupt media to run interference and deny all of this, while attacking Trump from any and every angle. Now consider the rampant TDS that is their intended result…look in the mirror…and ask yourself, how many lies have you swallowed? Here’s good news! TRUTH!!!

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Just for you Smyrna because of the title of the article.


The article even uses the same phrase…drip, drip, drip. Cheers @ohknow35 :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Connects All the Dots’ That Russia Hoax Was CIA Op to Frame Donald Trump

It is unbelievable and disappointing that after so many of my fellow Americans have been duped, they don’t despise the dupers, they’ve swallowed so much of what was fed…the TDS is still at the surface of their lives.

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I suspect many woke libs approve (even are proud) of such deep state weaponized operations as long as they are on their side.



Are you hearing what the lib entity with in the US is saying right now regarding if Trump becomes POTUS? They’re feeding their sheople that he will do what they have done to him for over 8 years. The DC establishment has weaponized our institutions such as the FBI and the CIA to make up false information that promoted the Russian collusion hoax that was fed for years and in some cases, still is. They’ve weaponized our judicial system with 3 of those in charge of the indictments against Trump, meeting with Joe Biden’s staff just prior to issuing the indictments. How about the Colorado Supreme Court? They wanted to remove Trump from the ballot based on an “insurrection” that he was never charged with or convicted of? What they’re promoting is that he’ll do the same against them but since that’s lib different…it’s wrong.

The division within this nation is strong but I believe George Carlin gave the greatest insight as to why this is?


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The DC establishment seems to be pushing the country in the general direction of Venezuela and the half wit sheeple nod in approval.



The Supreme Court on Tuesday declined to revisit sanctions levied against two pro-Trump attorneys who filed frivolous lawsuits challenging the outcome of the 2020 election in Michigan.

That’s a shame.

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I heard that if you cancel elections, that makes you a dictator.

Under the fog of war, Ukraine cancels its 2024 presidential elections?