Drip, Drip, Drip...... Now Let's Connect Them?

Just that one, eh? Meh.

Wait… the PoTUS recevied emails from his SoS?

Shocking, I tell you.

Can you define what “draining the swamp” actually means and what is the measure of success that the swamp has been drained?

Or is this just really just more vapid Trumpspeak which appeals to his supporters but actaully has no meaning.

Just like all his supporters that chant “lock her up”. They habe done this for years but never actually question when the President will move towards this.

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Well that just proves at how dirty the Democrats are.

Or something…

Here we go…my favorite Canadian kitty is connecting the dots and doing so in an informative time-line. Taking a walk down memory lane is very interesting and observing when each piece of this became public. Seriously people…there was collusion, but it wasn’t from team Trump. The collusion was between offices of the federal government, the DNC and team Hillary to exonerate her but…oh, oh…she lost the election. When that happened, it went into what Strozk labeled as an “insurance policy”…which was to remove Trump from office. The details this kitty has laid out clearly expose and connect the many different institutions involved but the worst part is, it all leads to the WH. Here “we” go…

The D know how to punish with the power of the government.

Not something to boast about.


Good point. Donald Trump isn’t punishing anyone.

The deep state is v powerful.

“was”…isn’t that great news?

Where’s Huber’s report?

Where’s Huber…period?

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You tell me. All the conspiracy drippers have their hopes hung on his report.

I believe IG Horowitz has a report coming out later this month or early next month that will shed more light on this subject. Huber has all but disappeared but I’m confident he’s a part of the complete answer that will shed light on this whole saga and do so from a non-political POV that both sides can relish as the truth.


I won’t hold my breath. Feel free if you really believe something is coming.

I’ve already laid out my take on what happened and those presently in charge are simply revealing this to those who didn’t see it almost 3 years ago. You and I both know, I’ve taken a lot of heat over this. Now that this ball is rolling in the right direction…I’m encouraged that the truth will be revealed and I can wait…impatiently.

Wolf! Wolf!

Bill Barr will deliver

…and here “we the people” are, several years later and what I saw in 2016 is now being corroborated by AG Barr.

I do not want President Obama indicted. IMO…it’s to divisive for country and would do more damage than do good. His legacy will be stained by what is exposed and I believe that this is what’s best. How ever, this does not apply to Comey, Brennan, Clapper or anyone else at the top of their agencies that they used for illicit purposes. Let the truth be told and those guilty be charged and tried.


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