Drip, Drip, Drip...... Now Let's Connect Them?

You should do that more quietly, so that you don’t hurt my feeeelings. Oh wait, I don’t have any. :sunglasses:


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AG Barr has no credibility. He’s the fat kid sucked into the chocolate tube of befuddling sycophantic Trump apologism. Everyone knows this except those in the cult. He isn’t indicting Obama because there’s nothing to indict him for. Next.

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Fat shaming is cool again? I need a scorecard…

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Interesting choice. Seems to be your “go to”.

So what?

Aw you’re really paying attention to me today. Trump isn’t healthy. He’s an obese 70+ year old. I wouldn’t trust his opinion about ANYTHING related to health. That’s not fat shaming, it’s a fact.

And I have never made it any kind of point that I’m against “fat shaming” anyway, you’re attributing some wider idea you have to me specifically in order to make me look like a hypocrite. Won’t work.

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Of course, I always pay attention to you, just like you need me to.

Just noting the pattern.

Could a Republican House and Senate impeach Obama, since he is still called Mr President, and could they strip him of his title and/or pension?

Oh…so let me finish this for you…AG Barr is baaa, baaa, baaad. :sunglasses:

You really should find another source to nourish your brain. You can do better than the sheople trough.

…drip, drip, drip…

What is your definition of sheople, and why don’t you fit into it?

Another drop

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Just wait until Trump’s campaign starts using these new found campaign tactics to go after Biden.

Oh boy, the “sufferers of TDS’” heads will explode.

That is an interesting article. I wonder what the status of that complaint is now. March 2017 was a long time ago and there is a paper trail.

You got fake newsed. The Tennessee Star is not a newspaper, or any sort of actual journalistic exercise. It’s a blog pretending to be one.


Is the information false? I didn’t say it is a newspaper.

An anonymous source reporting solely to a blog pretending to be a local newspaper?


If the information is false, I’ll be happy to delete it.

Is the Huffington Post a newspaper?

No. It’s an opinion site with an extreme left wing bias and I wouldn’t trust it for breaking anonymous news with absolutely no evidence either.

But at least it doesn’t pretend to be a local newspaper.

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