Drip, Drip, Drip...... Now Let's Connect Them?

I see what is going on. You are using an instance of blatant GOP corruption to morph it into proving that Democrats are equally corrupt.

It is what happens when one has to alleviate the cognitive dissonance that this causes.


At this point, in my flesh, I am kind of looking forward to the progressive left being on the receiving end of the justice system as it has been re-imagined by themselves. Every move against conservatism a crime worthy of the maximum possible number of indictments and each indictment worthy of the maximum possible sentence.

Like you know that the RICO statute was used in Georgia to get a bunch of people for protesting Cop City… right? Some of the people charges under RICO simply bought supplies.

The Government has historically had very little tolerance for leftist movements.

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Should left wing protests be insurrections the participants of which are hunted down and right wing protests will be first amendment protected, well, protests where even if there is some buildings burning they will be mostly peaceful?
It would almost be justice…or at least as good as what passes for it today.

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No she’s not. She’s a political opportunist who is fighting to be relevant by targeting an easily manipulated base.

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…and yet, when this time comes, what will happen is the right will not endorse doing the same in return. This road of corruption is a one way street IMO.

You have no credibility left. You’ve been wrong about so much and duped by the media for years. The left has been sheoplized to the Z factor and yet, learn NOTHING from their mistakes. They keep repeating them over and over and over…


What happened to her trials that your eyes wide open nonsense told you were supposed to break open the giant voter fraud conspiracy against her

Easily manipulated is the best possible way to put it

You believe anything that feeds your bias and call it discernment


K…except as history goes on…it proves me correct. I’m a loudmouth here in Hannity Land so if I’m wrong with what I just said, I’m a target rich environment. Have at it my friend. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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Where have you been correct when it comes to blowing the whole election fraud thing wide open?

I await an answer with at least three slups, two regurgibleats and a reference to a collusion delusion.


Not once. You have been wrong about lake from the beginning

She exposed no fraud against her and yet i am positive that you still believe that fraud occurred.

Am I? If you do not see a blatant conflict of interest where the person running the election is the same who is trying to win it…then there’s really not much more to say. It’s a waste of my time.

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Did she expose anything?

You had no trouble with what happened in Georgia. It’s not a waste of time. You just need to admit your biasness in your discernment

It’s not a bad thing. You can be severely biased and discerning.

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Just a(nother) little post-mortem on the biggest scam ever perpetrated on the American people.


People like greenwald are gonna be glad they were honest about this from the beginning.

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Glenn Greenwald was in an online debate that included Alex Jones about Jan 6.

They were on the same side of the issue.

He is not a serious person.

…says the Brandonite who swallowed and regurgibleated Russiagate for years. You have NO credibility…NONE…NADA…ZILCHO. You’ve evolved into a sheoplized lib that offers nothing of value…just another consistently wrong opinion that gets proven in the rearview mirror of life.

Cheers. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


You are failing the Turing test.


from the article; The lies that were told during Russiagate, the obvious mission that the media was on being fed lies by the CIA and the FBI, to the point that media outlets actually showered themselves with Pulitzers, particularly the New York Times and The Washington Post, really accelerated the collapse of whatever remaining trust Americans had in media institutions, that wasn’t much to begin with, but it’s now at record levels, and Russiagate is a major reason why.

…and here “we” are today, with a weaponized media that is simply a tool of our corrupted, DC establishment. It is nice to know that many have come out from the ether and that the mainstream media is going bankrupt.

…and you are the judge. Thanks for the compliment. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

You know less about January 6th than you know about russiagate.

And that’s saying something.

Your problem is that everything you know is what you’ve been told. Never considered anything else. I’ve been driving this point home for years now and still can’t break through the programming.

Saint Jude might have better luck with you.