Drip, Drip, Drip...... Now Let's Connect Them?

I also noted the vast majority of Republicans, something like 80% (myself included) believe the cases brought against Trump were motivated by politics instead of seeking justice. Perhaps that has something to do with it?


As I stated in the OP, our government has been weaponized and taken over by corrupt agencies within that are united to spread the narratives they want spread and to shut down the narratives they don’t want spread, even if it’s the truth. When you hear the words “misinformation” or “disinformation”…there’s a greatly enhanced probability that who ever mouthed them, that their intent is to go against the 1st Amendment. No other country has our Constitution so freedom of speech is not protected. Now…not only is it not protected, it’s being attacked on a global basis. The goal is to sheoplize the entire world and get all of us to regurgibleat the narratives they want spread.

Here is an independent journalist who made a video clearly showing this on a global scale. Let me warn you that there’s some bad language used at the end.

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Simply not true.

Many countries around the world have constitutional protections for freedom of speech, including Canada, Germany, France, and many others.

So does freedom of speech include the free press? What I’m bring to your attention is what’s happening around the world with the intent to stifle free speech. Here’s a Canadian example proving that free speech is NOT FREE!

Is that a separate issue than Trump committing the crimes or that the commission of those crimes do not matter.

Overall, we rate Rebel News Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, poor sourcing, and several failed fact checks.

Does that guy have a journalism degree?

They have a right ro report their version of the news…but they could at least try to be professional about it.

The police ■■■■■■ up.

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Nah… the video is cops doing cop ■■■■■

They ■■■■■■ up.

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Agreed…cops took it too far. I see they pretty much immediately dropped the charges.

The aggressive tactics used by the press needs to be reeled in. And looking into this “journalist”, it is not the 1st time he has stirred up crap. Then again, this is what we have to deal with, with the freedom of the press. I do prefer this to the alternative.

What in the hell does your opinion of them as a news source have anything to do with this absolute, blatantly weaponized misuse of the Canadian government to falsely arrest a reporter for reporting? You don’t have to have anyone but yourself and your own judgement to see what just took place. If this is too difficult my friend when it’s blatant, you are one lost soul.


Agreed but it was more that " ■■■■■■ up". It was a crime.

When I started this thread, I couldn’t prove what I thought I was seeing. Therefore I was labeled a conspiracist. Now the proof has been recorded for everyone to hear and understand, our government has been blatantly corrupted and the forces within weaponized to perpetuate their corrupt agenda. If…IF…you have the guts to listen, ask yourself now…after hearing this…where you stand?

Kari Lake is an honest, positive force for the United States that in all probability, will be elected. This honest force goes against the corrupt, DC establishment. They do NOT want her elected and are willing to “put their money where their mouth is”. What does that mean to you? Which side are you on? This isn’t a left/right issue. It’s a right/wrong issue. Now ask yourself, where do you stand…on the right side or the wrong side?

Somehow this is the Democrats fault.

You didn’t have enough time to listen but yet, you couldn’t help posting. You’re opinion is like a million times zero. Now run along and try to grow up.

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I know the story… and I know that it will slowly morph to prove the corruption of Democrats.

Oh great. What is “the story”?

A Republican bigwig tried to get Lake to drop out and said that she could get a position on some corporate board if she did.

She recorded it and released and that has sent the Arizona GOP into chaos.

I await this instance of GOP malfeasnance being used to prove the corruption of Democrats.

I know it is going to happen.

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Got it. You take this one person as if he stands alone? You see this one small piece and pretend you see the whole picture. Got it. That’s your story. Sorry my man. I don’t think that small and comprehend, there is MUCH more to this story. Now again, run along and try to grow up.

This ^^^^^^ This is me seeing what I was talking about happen in real time.


Now…take off the glasses of arrogance that are blinding you from seeing the truth.

That was a rhetorical statement and I also know that due to your arrogance, you’ll need to have the last word.

Go. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass: