Drip, Drip, Drip...... Now Let's Connect Them?

I guess we will see when he reports to the house oversight committee on Dec 5th. In the meantime, nobody can find any evidence Huber has been up to much…

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It’s actually true and what is happening.

A bunch of things you believed strongly in were total nonsense, lock her up, Obama corrupt, etc etc.

When reality doesn’t square with what you thought for sure was going to happen and was really true, it’s too much of a shock for some people to handle, that their judgment is that poor or that they’re that easily propagandized.

So they turn to people, conspiracy theorists, who tell them no they’r not wrong, there are just all these dark shadowy forces preventing what you know is true from coming to light, and some types of personalities who refuse to admit they had bad judgment or to admit they could be propagandized glom on to that.

It happens to a lot of educated, otherwise intelligent people. I used to live next to two Texas A & M grads, both architects and successful in their field, and even after asking them yeah I don’t wanna talk about that with you guys, they would get in my face and rant about every single conspiracy from faked moon landings to Obama’s birth certificate and they were aggressive about it. Like, holy ■■■■■ I’m just walking back slowly towards the door for no reason at all right now.

You are using an appeal to authority to give Andrew McCarthy credibility. He used to be a US attorney. Look at what he’s done since then. He’s peddled conspiracy theories like Obama’s forged birth certificate and says a lot of wild things and hasn’t been accurate on anything for a long time. But, he makes a handsome living at peddling conspiracy theories, so that’s what he does.


Are you kidding me? He can “compartmentalize” his feelings and always be a professional. You aren’t listening very well to those around you.

Yeah…I know and yet, it’s all beginning to unfold and the pace is picking up…drip, drip, drip…

No, that’s not actually happening.

The “drip drip drip” belies a common trait of all conspiracy theorist believers; that they are special and have unique knowledge and insight that the 'sheeple" don’t.

You claim to have an open mind and are just going where the facts are taking you. Nothing could be further from the truth. You’re in a lot of pain and confusion as to why Clinton and Obama aren’t under the slightest hint of legal jeopardy, while the President and so, so many of his associates actually are.

It’s too much to process or accept that for people who believe in conspiracy theories that their judgment was that far off and that they were that easily manipulated by political propaganda. Instead of facing that, they turn to an alternate reality where all those things are still actually true, but there are all these dark shadowy forces keeping them from coming to light while they are framing the “good guys”.

December 5th will come and go with nothing of anything consequence happening, and instead of taking an honest assessment of why, the conspiracy theorists will dig deeper into another conspiracy to explain that face plant away. Conspiracy theories can’t be falsified because they’re already made up fantasies, so it’s easy to make up another fantasy to keep it going.

Watch what happens on December 6th. You won’t come in here hat in hand going damn, I totally was buying into a bunch of nonsense because I really wanted it to be true, not because it was true. Nope, it will be another conspiracy to explain it all away.


Andrew McCarthy is not a credible person.


Andrew McCarthy wrote an extremely crazy polemic a few years ago that I’m happy to say I bought on remainders and thoroughly enjoyed.

That dude used to be serious.

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H e a r <><> T h i s <><> M a n

Brilliantly said.


Holy hell, two of smyrnas videos came from the same conference.

Guess how much tickets were?

$1,750 – $20,000

Cancel everything I said. Book me on that speaking tour, I’ve got troof to sell.


If you can’t make your own argument, there isn’t much else to say.

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…cuz I’m not arguing. I’m just providing two credible sources telling you today, what I told you over two years ago. Isn’t that cool? :sunglasses:

Credibility is in the eye of the beholder. All you’ve been saying for the past two years is drip, drip, drip, Miss piggy and vague conspiracy theories.

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This is the kind of post that will be understood by all of the people who don’t need this lesson and ignored by all of the people who do.


Maybe they wanted to help Trump because he wasn’t Hillary. Why do you people keep forgetting she was basically threatening to go to war with Russia over their involvement in Syria during the Presidential debates? I understand you have to keep making Russia out to be some big scary Boogeyman, but the cold war ended back in the 80s. Come back to the now. Please.

some people are simply easy to con.

that’s all this has ever been. a need to feel unique/special/smarter.

So you are agreeing with me - they knew Trump would be better for them.

Great. We agree russia wanted trump. So, the question has always been, did the trump campaign work with them?

And so far we have some people convicted for lying about speaking with russians, we have a man paid by russians convicted of crimes and we have reports that the campaign manager meet with the man who got the emails from russia and released them.

Does that sound to you like the possibility of collusion, at the very least?

(Also, nice to see someone admit Hillary Clinton would have stood up to Russian, while Trump obviously won’t - or can’t.)


Nice of you to take the time to make such a thoughtful and accurate post.

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exactly. Putin was scared of Hilldog because she would nuke the crap out of him over Syria even though we need to come back from the 80’s because the Cold War is over and this makes so much sense that the real boogeyman is Clinton. it’s always Clinton. Ooooogggaaaa Boooooogggggaaaaa!!!

Well considering one was actually talking about putting troops on the ground and the other is imaginary, pretty much. Got anything else? :roll_eyes: