Dr. Bornstein tells us what we all knew was true

He told the Times that Trump uses Propecia, a drug for baldness and prostate trouble. It’s not cool or ethical for him to do that.

Of course, it’s all tied into a Gordian knot of unethical and bad behavior–including Trump and Bornstein’s participation in faking this ridiculous letter, etc.

If he’s releasing medical information against his patient’s wishes, any patient, he needs to lose his medical license. I don’t care if it was telling Trump to take a couple asprins in the morning, he can’t be making that info public.

Couldn’t agree more. He shouldn’t have a medical license. Also telling that Trump uses a doctor that shouldn’t have a medical license. Kind of like using a lawyer that’s not really a lawyer and actually a criminal. Or using a National Security Advisor that’s not really a National Security Advisor and actually a criminal. Or using a campaign manager who’s not really a campaign manager and actually a criminal. Or having a son in law be a foreign policy advisor with a security clearance when he’s not really a foreign policy advisor who should have a security clearance but is actually a criminal. There’s kind of a pattern.


Oh, it’s totally illegal. It’s just funny that Trump had his boys bum rush the doctor’s office after he mentioned Trump was on hair loss and skin drugs.

We shouldn’t be surprised though. Trump associates with terrible people. The guy let Trump write his own health statement for God’s Sake.

Trump thinks people are idiots.

Trump intentionally kept information from you and you praise him.

Got anything to add about the president of the United States lying to you (again)? He thinks you’re a fool.

I want to make love to this post. :heart_eyes:

They not only took Trump’s records, but also John Miller’s, John Barron’s, and David Dennison’s. That’s bananas.

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That’s just damn funny.

Just the damage these idiots are gonna do to our water will last for generations and hurt the families of the people that put them into power.


We elected a citizen who has a bunch of aliases.

Forget about everything else and think about that for the rest of his term.

From what I have read it is New York state law that medical records be held by the attending physician for seven years. Therefore his people were only allowed to secure copies. And I agree that the doctor should be reviewed for signing a statement that was dictated to him. It also brings into question Jackson’s public comments about the presidents health. You have to admit that his press conference was very strange.
When asked about the records being taken, Sarah Sanders said that, “As is standard operating procedure for a new president, the White House medical unit took possession of the president’s medical records".
I am hoping that the press follows up on this and requests a copy of the SOP that allows taking possession of all medical records. This whole thing stinks but is certainly not surprising.

Probably has an indefinite RX for penicillin.

That’s what surviving your own personal Vietnam will do to you.

Here are all the STD files on me, John Barron, John Miller, David Dennison, and various other aliases. The raid was totally and astonishingly successful, and standard operating procedure for all Presidents, although everybody has said that their raids on their personal doctors are not as terrific as mine was.


Trump made up his own health report yet spent the entire campaign railing on Clinton about her health. What a piece of trash.


And Viagra.

What about Trump’s ethics? No problem telling your doctor to sign a letter you dictate to him?

To revise and paraphrase Glengarry, Glenn Ross:

Remember the anagram ABPL:

Always Be Punching Liberals.

That’s all that really matters.

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First place gets a hit TV and radio show with 35 million a year contract.
Second place gets a set of steak knives.
Third place gets you’re fired.

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