Don't Buy Goodyear Tires

What’s your opinion of the topic of this thread, namely the president calling for a cancelling of an American manufacturer?

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I’m sure that as soon as the company backs down from it’s political bias, and installs a level playing field, POTUS will rescind his call to boycott.


Funny how libs are pretending to be outrage about boycotting American companies.


He isn’t. He’s calling for citizens to push back against the censoring of conservatives, and all Goodyear has to do to avoid the conservative backlash is to start to act justly,


Trolled by Trump again to argue against their own behaviour. Hillarious.

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Funny how cons are pretending that it’s just fine for a president to call for boycotting an American manufacturer based in Ohio.

Bow to your Cancel King!


Ahh so if a company doesn’t allow the showing of support of a President in its workplace…he can call a boycott. And you dont see a problem with that?

It’s a stupid topic.

And yet. This is the Boycott Cancel boy’s behavior we are discussing.

Haha! Great line.

Not if the left can promote their political agenda in the same workplace. No.



What’s the difference between a nonprofit advocacy group who have years of experience in their field putting out policy recommendations and the President of the United State watching FoxNews and Tweeting out a boycott?

No difference.

Actually, quite okay with. Trying to figure out if the President should be encouraging it. What do you think?

Funny how cons are pretending to be ouraged about boycotting American companies and “cancel culture” - except when Trump does it.

Hypocrisy flows both ways.

Yep. Counter counter culture isn’t counter culture.

I thought only libz #cancel?

Trump loves American companies so much!!! Why else would he try and #cancel:

Goodyear. Amazon. Boeing. Comcast. Delta. ESPN. General Motors. Lockheed Martin. NFL. Nordstrom…


No canditate of either party can be supported…

Of course it is. It’s exactly the same, the only difference is “its OK when my side does it”.

Well, if one side gets to do all the threatening and all the boycotting and the other considers that off limits, guess which side is going to lose the culture wars?
Understand, I am not suggesting that conservatives burn down cities and kick people on the ground just to have equity.
This isn’t something I would have a boycott over. If I ever joined one it would be over something more significant.