Don't Buy Goodyear Tires

Goodyear stock is already trading lower today. People are losing money. People could lose their jobs. All because Trump got upset.

On that basis it doesnā€™t sound like a particularly astute political move for Trump to lead a boycott against the company.

Trumpā€™s Tweet must be going over well with the rank and file Goodyear workers in Ohio.


Biden should pay Goodyear HQ a visit on Monday.

Darn it, now I have to buy GoodYear tires. My Infiniti needs a set anyway.

Goodyear who?

Heā€™s more likely to be praising Firestone.

Actually, Goodyearā€™s response was rather cryptic.

ā€œTo enable a work environment free of those, we ask that associates refrain from workplace expressions in support of political campaigning for ay candidate or political party, as well as similar forms of advocacy that fall outside the scope of racial justice and equity issues.ā€

So racial justice and equality issues are allowed. Could that mean ā€œBlack Lives Matterā€ as a racial justice issue but ā€œAll lives matterā€ is not acceptable as an equality statement? To a communist, communism is an equality issue. It is not for no reason they are vague on this.

That said, I have never done boycotts and donā€™t foresee doing any.

A company has a right to make their own decision on such policies. But if an individual (Trump) disagrees with a company policy, they have an equal right to say so and even recommend not buying there.

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Iā€™m a Michelin guy anyway cuz Phrench.

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The President of the United States is calling for a boycott of an American company thatā€™s been around for 120+ years because they are supposedly banning his Made in China campaign product. :rofl:



Heā€™s the President. Tweeting out a boycott to millions and millions of people. All based on a FoxNews segment. The context matters here.

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Heā€™s allowed. Nowhere in the Constitution does the President lose his individual rights.

Very stupid. Yet technically not illegal.


No one is making this argument.

Waitā€¦wasnā€™t he exempt from the NJ travel ban because they said he wasnā€™t a "civilian? ā€¦So which is it?

TDS Thread Part deux.

So, whatā€™s the difference between the Southern Poverty Law Centre calling for organisations and companies to be sanctioned, and Trump doing the same? What am I missing?

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One is the Potusā€¦

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Special pleading is a logical fallacy.

Donald Trump, Cancel Culture Warrior#1.

Boycott American made, MAGAs!

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obvious photoshop