Donald Trump knew about Clinton emails before WikiLeaks dumped them, says

The National Enquirer who pay for stories and then bury them in service to Donald J. Trump? That one?

NO we do not know that.
The USA Intelligence agencies are speculating that. Since they didn’t speak to anyone at Wikileaks.

So you actually believe she knows more than Mueller and the FBI? We still dont know if Russia hacked, because the DNC never even let the FBI look at the server, and we already know that Strzok was head of that investigation and was fired for extreme bias. Im still thinking AWAN sold the DNC secrets to Wikileaks. Now we are finding out that GPS Simpson and Veselnitskya were working for the same lobbying firm and met before and after the Don Jr Meeting. And also both Browder and Deripaska have relations with both simpson and veselnitskya. Wouldnt it be funny if the only Russians the trump camp talked to were ones bought and paid for by the DNC, to make it appear as Russia was meddling. When in reality it was DNC incompetence with AWAN that lead to the Wikileak debacle.

We don’t know what?

That Wikileaks got it from Guccifer 2.0 or that they are GRU?

There is no proof Guccifer 2.0 did the hacking, the FBI never even looked at the server, it was done by crowdstrike! Whats funny is how crowdstrike could putt Guccifer 2.0 out of their hat, but not that their IT guy AWAN was compromising the DNC from within! The FBI took Crowdstrikes opinion and ran with it! Guess who was in charge of that investigation? Peter Strzok! The guy fired for FBI Bias. I smell coverup!

Whether or not they have ties to Russia isnt the issue so much as conspiring, with I presume Wikileaks and Assange are foreign, to release stolen material to influence an election, instead of you know reporting to FBI. Also, potential perjury if lied about

True or false.

Wikileaks got the emails from Guccifer 2.0.

Conspiring is a serious issue, and its looking more and more that Downer(Foreigner), Steele ( Foreigner), Vesselnitskya (Foreigner) were more than likely on the DNC Payroll, Simpson and Veselnitskya worked for the same Russian Lobbying Firm! CNN has yet to cover that angle. The only Russians the Trump camp met were bought and paid for by the DNC! So in reality the DNC conspired with Russia to accuse trump of conspiring because they were compromised within by AWAN, the FBI did not even look at the server, it was done by crowdstrike, and guess who headed up that investigation? One Peter Strzok, the guy who was fired for FBI Bias. I smell coverup.

False, we dont know, because the FBI never personally looked at the DNC Server.

If only you had control over both chambers of Congress and the presidency to investigate it

They dont control people like Strzok, Mccabe and Comey!

Mccabe- Wife took money from the DNC to run for office
Strzok- Said all Trump supporters stink and that he will personally see to stopping trump from being president
Comey- Brother audited the clinton foundation for $$$, and also said he has not voted for a republican in 10yrs, then on CNN said not to vote republican ever.

This Russia BS started when Obama was president, its like peeling an onion.

Oh ok so what are you going to do about it then

you do realize the FBI under comey lied to the Senate to get a SC? Wouldnt it be funny that if the only russians the trump team met, were paid for by the DNC, to coverup gross negligence with their server? Still wondering why that has not been turned over to the FBI!

That isn’t the question that I asked.

So I will type slower.

True or false.

Wikileaks recieved the emails from Guccifer 2.0.

Well something has already started.

Mccabe Fired, Page Resigned and Strzok Fired, and we are awaiting the final IG report to see if Huber will indict them or not for corruption.

False!!! False!

Its impossible to know who hacked if the Server was never investigated by the FBI. I can take your word for something, doesnt make it true.

This may have been discussed, but I don’t think trump can have NDAs for people in the white house.

You don’t work for trump when you work in the WH - you, like the POTUS - work for the federal government. He doesn’t pay them, We do. So the NDA would have to be between the US govt. and would require legislation, or rules I would think.

I hope when all the other staffers realize the NDAs they signed are unenforceable they all start talking. That would be great!

You couldn’t be more wrong.

It was known during the election that the emails came from Guccifer 2.0 because that is where Wikileaks said that they came from.

So maybe you should read up on the basics before commenting further.

Again. Not what I asked.

Read it again.

True or false.

Wikileaks recieved the emails from Guccifer 2.0.