Donald Trump flat out admits he wants to short change USPS

What is worse is that his supporters and more importantly many Republicans on the hill will allow this.

Our constitution does not require a post office exist, it permits one to exist.

under your logic the States wouldn’t be suppressing the vote because there is still one working machine in a warehouse 9 hours away.

The state, now you are figuring out whose election it is.

the private sector does a better job. cutting the postal service would save tax payers money. I get free shipping being amazon prime member. What has the post office given me? another stamp rate hike? Thanks but no thanks.

It’s just fascinating that these made Donald Trump, of all people, their messiah.

The guy just admitted to tampering with the election.

In the past, if the mechanisms for voting are hindered the person in charge can (and it has been done) go to a Judge who can extend the voting hours to make sure everyone in that precinct can vote.

Not my messiah, doesn’t mean he is required to support mail in voting or accede to any funding demands. If he does something to actively hinder them, that would be another kettle of fish.

We should be in the streets. Our president admitted to subverting the voting process.

This is outrageous.


He is actively hindering voting by defunding the USPS.

But hey, keep pretending he’s not your messiah.

Have fun.

Defunding? No, pretty sure he just isn’t agreeing to increase funding.

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And what exactly does “actively hinder” mean to you?

Sabotage, cutting funding, ordering them to delay mail.

I’m just curious what you mean by sabotage and why you don’t consider this sabotage.

We don’t generally consider not increasing funding to be sabotage and by we, I mean rational people.

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Breaking news that the director of elections in Pennsylvania just got a letter from a lawyer at the USPS saying that the post office will not be able to support the states vote by mail system.
It is starting. And I hope this gets ugly.

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And you know, why would they need to increase funding, giving the pandemic and the need for more home delivery services? And also, let’s just pretend he didn’t admit to his strategy. that will make it easier to presend…

Rational people understand current conditions.

I believe that you believe that.