Donald J Trump for a House Seat in Florida in 2022?

If he gets indicted there will be evidence of wrongdoing.

I doubt Trump would do that his ego is to big to take a job at the house after being president. My opinion he will run for president if Biden is even near the 50% mark in popularity a year out from Election Day.

Other than that I think he is happy throwing his opinion from the sideline which is always picked up and printed by the media. He might be happy in trying to be king maker.

also his coronary arteries.

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There’s nothing wrong, as a separate case, with indentifying with Trump; there is simply no evidence to suggest he identifies with anyone but himself.

But grifters gotta grift, and for the con to work…the marks gotta believe it.

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Trump could have been like Michael Jordan. Instead, this guy.

he constantly makes a determined point that he is working for us.

he also is very pro military and veteran.

you see life is full of paradoxes. as arrogant sounding mr big shot as he is, he actually does the best of any politician

anyway. you may now begin to turn this post around to be thinly veiled insult, like you do with every one of your posts

Bernie Madoff made constant points, too.

good lord…

As long as they were never POW’S…


Looks like you forgot about that rainy Veterans Day in Europe that he skipped. :roll_eyes:


Trump says what they think leaderly leaders should say.

And that’s all that matters.

Oh sorry and liberal tears as well. Those definitely matter.

This is what I mean by ■■■■ posting and nihilism.

I should probably say negation, not nihilism.

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Yes i would hurt myself from laughing so hard so long. :rofl:


Him leading an impeachment of biden would be most amusing.

The dems already set a very low standard for impeachment trials.


It pisses off the left that he is America 1st instead of America Last like biden.

I will never understand the “thinking” that goes into America Last support. :crazy_face:

It’s pretty hard to toss what they never had to begin with. But hey, at least they stopped pretending. That must have been exhausting.

Or dead. Those bunch of “suckers” and “losers”.

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pow frauds whose daddies were admirals

learn more.

suck hard at that fat cnn teat baby

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Just Trump and Jason Miller desperately trying to stay in the news cycle, yet again.