Donald J Trump for a House Seat in Florida in 2022?

He already has with the Dimbulbcrats dumb ass attempts at impeachment.

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John McCain was not a “POW fraud”.


How was McCain a POW fraud? What info do you have to back that claim up?

I learned from Trump bootlickers - they’re the experts.

Are you denying that he missed the Veterans Day memorial in Europe?

There’s zero chance he does this. It would require him to actually work and learn things.

Also. I saw a picture of him the other day, I think with Kelly Loefler, and he was looking really old.

Wouldn’t one need to know and understand the rules and procedures to be speaker? Could one do the speaker’s duties remotely from the golf course?

So ya got nothing then…

Today’s right wing doesn’t govern like that.

Greene was actually happy she got kicked off her committee assignments…it allowed her to concentrate on ■■■■ posting…which is what today’s right wing believes governing is nowawdays.


yeah hes a fraud

his admiral daddy helped him when his negligence caused lives

but enough about cnn in 2008. he’s a hero now because he hates trumpy

Trump made the USA a laughing stock in the world and where USA allies did not trust the USA.

Try again…

fact check dot org baby.


nice try

And rolled over and showed his belly to every two bit dictator the world over.

Trumpists like to believe he was strong and put American first, but that’s far from the truth. He was, and is, a weak and pathetic coward.


Where’s your source to back up your claim?

cnn in 2008

dontcha remember?

But wouldn’t it be fun to see him sitting next to the VP during a State Of The Union address? He would have to sit there for over an hour, not say a thing and not being the center of attention. He couldn’t take it.

What did you think of McCain before Trump put him down?
Were you for him when he ran for POTUS?
Be honest now.

Would somebody who is well put his pants on backwards?


It’s temporary and it would happen under any president. As the pandemic fades people are suddenly spending money and outstripping supply. As merchants restock in the coming months it will settle down.

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It’s that he’s one of the only people I’ve ever seen, who in politics…gets off of his ass and gets things done while most others, tell you what you want to hear and then do what their sponsors tell them to do.