Don Blankenship for Senate

Moore did lose in the end, but still managed near 50% of the vote.

Oh and lol at blankenships response to being called on the “Chinapeople” stuff.

Is West Virginia people racist? Races are negro!


what is a “White Caucasian”

It’s a race word, obviously.

I flipping love America politics its the best reality show of the last decade.


You’ve got a lot of drama going on as well, with your stupid, identity politics obsessed PM.

we have our drama mostly in Ontario local election that ■■■■ is bananas. we have our own Blankenship running.

Trudea is a lunatic.

Most elections these days seem to be bananas. That’s just how politics is now.

That’s up to them.

Trudeau is a helpless moron.

I think I’m probably against Blankenship because of his ability to beat Manchin, but I’d be all for him if he won because oh man would that bring lib tears.

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lololol i hope he wins the Primary… it will be a great poop show to experience

Did you know they found out that the toothbrush was invented in West Virginia?

They figure if anybody from another state had invented it, it would have been called a teethbrush.

Blankenship will win the primary and the general election. West Virginians have a penchant for making their wretched lives even more miserable.

So Trump tweeted this morning …

So instead of endorsing one candidate, Trump has effectively split the vote giving Blankenship a stronger chance of winning. What a moron.

Also, I like that he identifies the “problem”:

Problem is, Don Blankenship, currently running for Senate, can’t win the General Election in your State…No way!

Yeah, that’s the “problem.” LOL

He really is an idiot.

Then when Blankenship wins, Trump will endorse him.

Its a crazy world out there


I think he passed on endorsing one of them because of the way it backfired in Alabama. That is the real problem though… Jenkins and Morrisey have mostly been attacking each other and splitting the anti Blankenship vote.

Don Jr tweeted much the same about this race also.

He also can’t vote for himself. Registered in FLA or someplace…

I find it odd that being convicted of a felony keeps you from owning a firearm generally, but doesnt disqualify you from holding public office and even ironically being in a position to restore your own ability to carry firearms again. Weird.