DOJ announces it's it won't defend the ACA

Should we also eliminate Medicare? For full transparency, are you currently receiving Medicare?

So everything is the fault of Republicans. Got it.

Democrats get zero blame- they passed a half-assed law and it’s the Republicans fault it didn’t work.


Not everything. The ACA was far from perfect and people like your parents needed more help which could and been easily accomplished in the structure of the bill. Just explaining how we got here.

Yeah, it’s hilarious how funny that comment is, and it’s just as hilarious my parents are still hung up on that lie!! Right??? :rofl:

I’ll at least say thank you for revealing the how democrats truly feel about people affected by their laws. Laugh at them!

The federal government should return to it’s enumerated powers, paying for people’s health care isn’t one of them. And no I am not currently on medicare.

As clearly stated in post, I am laughing at the folks who quote that one Obama lie while supporting the liar in the White House. He averaged 15 lies a day in 2018. But yes do go one about Obama’s “lie.”

I wish Republicans would have actually helped to help your people like your parents. I am sorry they struggled. But I am also very grateful for the lives the ACA saved.

Just to be clear, you support eliminating Medicare… Have any idea what a policy for a 75 year old with a history of cancer would cost?

the trump administration is trying to kill people with preexisting conditions. thats why they have no alternative

Again, need does not create an obligation on the part of others to meet it. And it’s not morally defensible in any case. How many people in the world who don’t have access to clean water, food and basic medicine could be saved for the price of saving that 75 year old cancer victim?

Morality protests aside, are you in a position to afford insurance and/or fund your own care when you reach 75?

I absolutely cede your point the Democrats passed a half-assed law. That was what they had to do to get something passed. It was a compromise and I didn’t like it then for conservative reasons and I don’t like it now for liberal reasons. It sucks for people like your parents. On the other hand, I’m thankful because it allows my brother who has lymphoma to be covered. It prevents a situation like wiping out my parents’ entire life savings on his cancer treatment prior to the law passed. But I acknowledge your parents’ pain.

But it isn’t that the Republicans should be responsible to fix it, it’s that they have actively worked to undermine it and make things worse. I can list these reasons out and show how they have directly led to much higher costs if you’re willing to have that discussion. Look, I get that your parents got screwed and that royally sucks. We’ve talked about this before. I want to fix things for people like your parents. The Democrats handed them a raw deal and the Republicans pissed on it to make it worse.

If we had a system like the Dutch, your parents would be paying $240/month and have an annual deductible of $450 and every doctor and hospital in the country would be “in-network”. We can have that. We just have to get past this ridiculous mentality that “government can’t do anything right.” We the people determine that. If we have that attitude, of course government is going to suck because we’re going to elect people who hold that same position. But government can do a tremendous amount of good and looking at the success of systems around the world is empirical proof of that. We just have to will it.


I just read where North Carolina added 22 to 44 million dollars in fees (late last year) to North Carolina residents via the division of motor vehicles there.

I don’t think many of these trump voters really understand what’s happening (with the republican party) either on a federal or a state level. And I think Republican media, harping on the things that they harp on, make it even harder for them to know what’s going on. They never get this kind of info.

The general welfare of the united states in right in the enumerated powers section. You may disagree what “general welfare” means, but it is in the constitution.


more characters here

Congratulations… What percentage of those reaching retirement age in the US have the same resources?

Spare me. The people who wrote it were pretty clear that the general welfare clause did not grant the federal government powers outside those expressly enumerated elsewhere in the document. Do you need quotes? And don’t bother quoting what someone said after it was passed and was trying to expand his power.

Again, need does not create an obligation on the part of others to meet it. If someone needs charity, they can ask me nicely and I might help them out.

I don’t need quotes. I have 230 years of counter-evidence.

Those in need vote…

Evidence of the feds expanding their power beyond the limits of those in the constitution. Doesn’t change what those limitations were.