DOJ announces it's it won't defend the ACA

Whatever. Pick and choose what is constitutional based on your personal feelings.

I have dealt with enough Republicans in the last several years who twist obvious statements in the constitution to fit whatever they want.

Yet the courts and congress disagree that these are beyond the limits…

The federal government disagrees with the limits placed on their power? What a surprise.

How would you address this?

What the he hell happened to fat donald’s promise of repeal and replace Obamacare?

Great. I know lots of people in need. Can you send me your phone number in a private message?

Here’s a great plan. Repeal the ACA. Replace it with nothing. Wait for the next recession.

While you were poor, I would have been happy to give you some my money so that you and your family could have health care. Just so you know.

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Why would you have to demand it? You are part of a society of caring, compassionate americans who don’t want you to die just because you had the misfortune of getting cancer, or some other disease.

What’s the point of a society if not to work together to make life better for us all?

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This is gift to the DNC for 2020…

By the way, Brett Shumate, the Deputy AG who signed this letter to the 5th circuit, is a Trump appointee…

I had healthcare, I just may not have been able to pay the bills, bankruptcy isn’t the end of the world.

That would be awesome… I have a whole list of things we can change… :slight_smile: I happened to notice those in the picture don’t seem to be a cross section of America…

Where is Trumpcare???

You may have a list but I doubt most of it would receive the support of the required majority of states to pass muster.

And what makes you think those things you want would get the support of the required majority of the states to be ratified?

If trump and the republicans were smart they would slowly implement Grover’s master plan. Which it appears they are trying to do.

They just need to make sure they don’t go too fast before the next election. Killing pre existing condition legislation and crushing medicare and doing away with social security would be too much too soon. They need to do part of it before the next election and part of it after the next election.


from All or Nothing: How State Politics Became a Winner-Take-All World

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These Republican changes/visions won’t hurt the current crop of Republican voters “as” much. They will, however, massively hurt their kids and grand kids and great grand kids.

But these voters will be gone and it won’t matter to them.

Basically “bootstraps”. How about then, if you are struggling paying for your health insurance now, get a better job instead if complaining. You know…bootstraps.