Doing "Something" About "Racism" in this Country

That, I don’t agree with.

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Who in the hell left the gate open…?

Don’t get me wrong, my Slavic and Irish ancestors weren’t exactly treated like normal people when and after they arrived, but it’s all the same thing over and over again in my ancestry. My family tree is currently transforming as well. I have asian and black cousins, hispanic nieces and nephews, etc.

It’s gonna be the same thing in 1,000 years. Some group pissing and moaning about how mean another group is, with my multi-flavored descendents looking at their arguments for the completely non-unique garbage they are (as presented that is).


it’s readily available … as is the history of black slavery. Someone here in this thread claims to know all about white history too… so that’s proof that this information is readily available.

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Don’t forget math. Without it, science has no foundation.

You still don’t get this and probably never will.

“There is nothing more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity”
You might be the former.

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I get it just fine. You know all you need to know, and I just need to shut up and listen to you.

…that we finally focus on the reason these 6% of the population, commit 53% of the murders and 38% of all violent crimes in the US?

That’s how all mental abuse starts. :man_shrugging:

It does if I’m going to put the work in.

Get your DNA analyzed. You’ll find out some interesting things.

Oh I love that…tell me more.

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I was thinking if there was anything else he might want to burn,but saving that for another day. :wink:

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some will blow this off as some fringe idea. But this is what we face.

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A better article:

A 2016 Stanford University report looked at ethnic-studies classes in San Francisco high schools and found that attendance increased by 21% and GPA increased by 1.4 grade points. There were significant effects on GPA specific to math and science, the study said, and boys and Hispanic students improved the most.

“When students can see themselves in curriculum and see diversity in curriculum, they respond better,” Au said. “And, it can help white students understand themselves better. Structural racism in the country has mistaught white people about themselves that they don’t have culture, that they don’t have roots.”

This mindset extends to mathematics and science, Castro-Gill said.

“There are studies that talk about specifically black and brown students not being seen as scientists or mathematicians … It affects their efficacy, their ability to engage in that kind of learning,” she said. “That’s why identity is so core to math and science.”

I can see where they are coming from. I don’t particularly agree with it though. Ethnicity and Race doesn’t need to be brought into everything. That’s going a bit too far.

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From your link.

“We do talk about institutionalized racism and the histories and trajectories of racism in the country, but that doesn’t mean white kids need to be demonized in that process,” he said.

"When students can see themselves in curriculum

So how do those two statements line up?

Americans are not fond of censorship, left or right.

How can we get your story right if we don’t get everybody’s story right, or at least try to?

LOL seriously?