Dog faced pony soldier biden

+10. That is a great post, Brother.

Sounds like a case of BDS to me.

I agree, Biden is deranged.

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When this campaign is over they’ll publish bloopers as a box set.


The interview further demonstrated his combative senile look.

No. It’s because you guys have zero creativity and can’t think of anything on your own.

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It’s your thing. Charles Krauthammer created it. You used to use it referring to Bush personally.

Who is the “you” whom you are referring to Tommy? If it be Bush or Trump, many on the left hated both. Look what happened to Ellen when she hung out with George, a Liberal Meltdown.

You used it quite a bit yourself. Everyone who disagrees with you politically is mentally ill. Really a great look. Glad conservatives invented that for this country. Literally straight out of the Soviet playbook.

Did I say that? I think you might be getting out of control. Calm down, Tommy. I feel like I should call a paramedic and get you a paper bag. Good grief.

Reminds me of the guy who walks out in a swarm of gnats and then complains about the swarm of gnats.

Unlike gnats I’m ignorable.

You are just as important as the next guy, @lessright I respect your opinion.

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It means that Biden is making a lot of people around here really lose it. People keep starting threads about his alleged this or that. It’s almost like they are obsessed about making him look bad.

I wonder where I have heard that thrown around before.

Shoe on the other foot?

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Biden doesn’t need any help

Neither does Trump Dare I SAY. I can say that right? It’s ok to speak my opinion of the president. I haven’t been around much the last month.

Sure, if you want to deflect from your own post.

you deflected from my post. My point was that I am simply pointing out how deranged people sound going after Biden on every little thing he does. Doesn’t that sound familiar to you?

He’s a hot mess. And it’s getting worse.

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Did he allegedly say that or did he say that?

Tell that to the people of colour who were offended