Does the President have Absolute Power over the Country and States

Obvious Deep Stater.


I just hope voters remember how important an informed vote is in November and choose to remove those who would abuse the power with which we entrusted them.

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Remember that time when President Obama said that his authority was total and Conservatives were like “Hey… that’s no big deal”?

Yeah… me neither.


All hail King Trump.


I hope for that as well. Although the recent decent into the madness of the Idiocracy does not inspire confidence.


Why is it acceptable to you that Trump lies so much?

Obama dared uttered the words, “fundamentally change America” and conservatives had a hissy fit for years about that.


If it gives some people a reason to stick it to the libs, accusing them of lighting their hair on fire, calling them sheople, or accusing them of being deranged, then nothing else matters.

It’s not but what I find even more egregious…are libs…not finding anything positive about the President. I will not jump on your pile of lib feces and be a part of the force that’s driving the divisiveness of our nation. Lift your head a tad higher…and maybe then you can see, what I see?

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So, this is what gas lighting is.

You claim it’s not acceptable to you that trump lies.

Trump then lies every day, multiple times a day.

Soon, instead of voicing your rejection of a POTUS that lies, you stop being outraged.

in fact, you start defending the president against those who continue to be outraged at his lies.

and then, at the end of the process, his lies - that used to offend you - are acceptable.

If someone assaults your morality every day, you must defend it everyday. Or else you will lose it.


Does not matter if one is liberal or conservative, when it comes to this president it’s hard finding sugar in ■■■■ .

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Republicans used to be strong defenders of the 10th Amendment.


These Governors sound like a gaggle of geese that has no concept of the pecking order.

The Constitution. WHEN it grants the president the executive power, it grants him a reservoir of executive power that’s not specifically set out in the Constitution that allows him to act as leader of the executive branch to enforce the laws and to defend the country in times of crisis and emergency


Irony is ironical.


To the bold. Excellent observation. Spot on!!!

We’re literally talking about Donald Trump.

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He did :rofl::rofl:

@Smyrna was, Bro. I really liked the presser yesterday and the CNN meltdown afterwards.

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Nothing to defend. Our President defends himself well. Now Biden is in somebody’s mom basement podcasting and cannot read his script notes. He needs Bernie (and his support base voters) more than Bernie needs him. Do you guys have firetrucks standing by for today’s meltdowns and hair fires?

I see nothing positive about Trump. What positive things has he done for our country?

Do you think that Trump has had no part in “driving the divisiveness of our nation”?