Dobbs watch thread (Row v Wade Overturned)

Don’t post his brain sprouts and you won’t have to worry about it.

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Man, it is so easy to not get someone pregnant. Holy crap.



I liked it cuz i love how you phrased that. I mean it.

Little you could say would worry me.

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We are not discussing vicarious learning, at least I’m not. I am talking about actual consequences.

Stupid people do. Drunken sluts do. Because there are no realized consequences.

The only person who has used profound is you.

Being able to erase a baby creates less of a sense of responsibility than not-do you deny it?

I’m just happy to know there’s still some folks out there with good taste. lol


Yet you contradict to rationalize.

Yeah we are going in circles. Like i said i don’t really want to go down this path. But thank you for a fun discussion!

You are leading this walk.

Nah. He phrased it perfectly. May be it’s just me though.

Then we all agree - no abortion?

METT-TC dependent.

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Obviously rape. I will also reluctantly accept life of mother.

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And i don’t want to delve deeper because my examples of how fear doesn’t work well to prevent people from acting in a certain way would be disrespectful. I am not sure how much more beating around the bush i can do lol.

I made it clear to the wife long ago that I save children first. She agreed. We’ve been married ever since. lol


People with commitment issues perhaps shouldn’t lead walks.

I never said it. She knows.

Ha. Not it’s not a commitment issue. It’s respect.

Ok fine but let me know if i go too far. When has fire and brimstone ever work on a large scale?

If it saves one child…


I don’t even remember why I said it. I remember she seemed to genuinely respect it though. Of course, this was all 15 years ago. That’s a lot of substance abuse and cannabis rehab ago. :rofl: