Dobbs watch thread (Row v Wade Overturned)

You are allowing your emotions to make you low information.

Do you think so little of the cognitive ability of women?


Yes we do. What we donā€™t do is tell people not to have sex cuz itā€™s none of anyones business

You are living in a fantasy because people still drink and drive. How many donā€™t get caught?

Are you talking about Marcuse?

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Where did that come from? I know what Rivers said about the Obamaā€™s, but I never heard anyone claim they killed her for it. Itā€™s my understanding that she died during a surgery of some kind.
Man, you talk about something coming out of Left Field.

Itā€™s not about cognitive ability itā€™s about throwing caution to the wind. Again i am not saying that the pregnancies arenā€™t preventable that people canā€™t or shouldnā€™t take steps to prevent pregnancy. All i am saying is that making something illegal and creating consequences wonā€™t necessarily make people more careful because hormones and alcohol are thing. They tend to stifle cognition in men and women. But calling them sluts is easier than understanding

And please donā€™t start with the low info nonsense. Your tribe pushed abstinence only programs for decades which results in teens having anal sex. :joy:

It came from you. You posted something on this very board implying it. lol. I mean come on

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I never suggested that ADULT people should not have sex, I simply said they should do so responsibly.

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And i never suggested that they shouldnā€™t do so responsibly. I am saying that being careful isnā€™t created by magic.

Right. It is created by responsibility.

Allegedly. I donā€™t know a time when hormones didnā€™t control people. Do you?

Yes, there are those that believe that as the video suggests but I never bought into the theory. Would have been different if Hillary was involved as her enemies have shorter life expectancy.
I did not say I didnā€™t believe what Rivers said, but I donā€™t think the Obamaā€™s killed her.

There is no theory. Alex Jones said something in passing.

No, not allegedly. When you are responsible for the consequences, smart people get real careful.

Hormones? Are you claiming women over 25 are nothing more than animals in heat?

This world is filled with stupid people. Men and women of many ages. Married and unmarried.

If you didnā€™t buy it, why did you try to sell it here?

Now weā€™re back to stupid, yet again. After you accused me.


I am not going down this path because there is a point to be made here about scaring people into being responsible that has never worked in The history of the world. People can be taught to be responsible. People can take steps to be careful and to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

People can also throw caution to the wind. The idea that making abortion illegal will result in a more responsible society is nothing but wishful thinking. Thatā€™s all i have been trying to get across.

And yes arguing that creating responsibility will make a profound change in how people act is a really silly position. Itā€™s a bit more than that but i donā€™t feel like going down that path any further

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There you go again with your obsession with Alex Jones.

It was his brain that sprouted it.

Looks like you latched onto it and canā€™t let go.