Dobbs watch thread (Row v Wade Overturned)

That view was well instilled before today. It’s a lazy view, and mostly stems from people not reading these decisions and actually understanding why the decisions are made (or in this case, change).

The most unfortunate reality is that the right to an abortion was, always, based on the flimsiest of legal theories (substantive due process). It had a fatal flaw from day one, and pro-choice Americans have been doing their best to ignore (and certainly not understand) that reality for decades. Ignorance was bliss.

Now, when the “conservative” members of the Court have, frankly, applied a fairly uncontroversial legal position to reverse Roe, peoples’ heads explode because they can’t, for the life of them, understand how this could be. They assume it must be purely political chicanery, when it’s really not.

The perception of the Court is a huge problem, I agree, but the Court can’t base its decisions on complying with or avoiding certain “perceptions” of the people. That defeats the purpose of having a SCOTUS at all.


The problems is, when the youth vote for something they want instant gratification or they stay home next time. The anti-choice people worked at this methodically for almost 50 years and they never stayed home.

Congress should have done its job in 1973. Instead of allowing it to be thrown to the courts.

90% of this country’s problems revolve around the legislative branch not legislating. They allow the executive and judiciary determine things.

The founders gave the legislature the most power for a reason. Because they represent the interests of the people and the states.

Instead they abandoned that in situation after situation. And then had the audacity to clap like seals as their powers were usurped by the presidency and the judiciary.


Don’t expect that from the majority of people.

What they see is that Alito’s argument boils down to “because ■■■■ You… that’s why”

And now it gets solved legislatively.

So… it never gets solved. The right is always one election away.

It is a forever battle.

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At this point its going to be up to the citizens of this country, decisions are being made, its up to citizenry to respond… if these decisions are met with a “meh” it will continue.

To be clear by respond I mean with their votes…personally I think this decision is just furthering the unspooling of the Republic and will deepen the divide which is by design.

Break it in order to “fix” it

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Nah… they want to have a planet that isn’t on fire while being unable to afford a house and living under crushing debt in a system that was forced into them and resists even the slightest change with the frothing calls of “Socialsm!!!”

The GOP has benefitted greatly from courting blocs of one issue voters. Because they can take on that issue completely and everything else they do is of no benefit to that voter.

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It will be a see-saw battle in maybe a few states, but in most, the law (either way) will be firmly set and fairly soon.

At least I think it will be, based on the general consistency of state legislatures.

I don’t see how any law that does this could be Constitutional, frankly.

I don’t think libs here are in position to lecture anyone about honesty.

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I know a lot of people will think Alito is saying “because ■■■■ you, that’s why”

But that’s not Alito’s fault. And I don’t even like the guy, at all.

(And it’s not the Court’s fault.)


There are several States where the GOP has been able to effectively lock the Democrats out of power… even electorally.

I don’t know. Maybe there will be a Savita Hallappanavar moment… but seeing the indifference that waaay too many people have to the suffering and deaths of others in this country I have my doubts.


Lots of blue checks on twitter calling for violence.


Very very strange. I have no idea why he wouldn’t mention Loving.

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Mmmmm what is wild is that Red States are joining a handful of countries in being the only place where abortion is illegal. That…is wild.

Funny thing. Libs here are always saying majority of people support abortion, majority of people support gay marriage etc.

So my question for them…why the panic? I mean if you really think majority of people support abortion and gay marriage.

Or have they been lying to us…inquiring minds want to know.


Is the fascism already over? You can do that on Twitter? Congrats dude.

Long Loom Musk.


We are on our way to finding out

I will say this, however flimsy the Roe decision was made on it did establish a right which has now been taken away…will it matter? Dunno…lets watch

MacCarthy said that they are going for a National Abortion Ban.

They have to keep those single issue voters active.


No other option. This is kind of a decision that reduces turn out.

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There was no court packing.

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