Do you consider this a disturbing trend?

Okay, you’ve identified he problem. What’s the solution?

First…I need to be king. Then I’ll show you how to stop this legalized child abuse. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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Go back to where it unraveled, find out what changes were made that caused it and reverse what was done.

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Sounds easy, but what were these changes and how do we reverse them?

Identifying it is easy. Reversing it isn’t.

Okay, tell me. What change(s) led to “the break down of families, lack of parental role models”?

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The first step was when our culture began degrading the job of a stay at home mother and labeled it women’s liberation.


I don’t think the women’s lib movement convinced millions of mothers to go to work just because, economic realities did that. It’s very difficult to raise a family today on one average salary. How do we fix that so more parents can stay home with their kids?

Just my personal opinion and to name a few:

The requirement of two parents to work to make ends meet or because they want more and don’t want to make sacrifices. Leaving children to be raised in day care centers and after school programs.

Lack of community and strong family relationships. Used to be families stayed close so they could not only help raise the children but take care of the parent/grandparents when they got old.

Reliance on government rather than local community and family.


Yup. I think that is where a lot of the erosion started. I remember being shamed by fellow women for wanting to be a stay at home mom.


IMO the next step in the wrong direction was the greater acceptance of divorce. It used to have a negative stigma attached to it but that’s changed and it’s means nothing.

Another thing that’s happened over time is the degradation of the title of teacher and police officer and this has hurt the culture the children are being raised in. I’d pay both professions top dollar and over the long haul, our nation’s expenses would be reduced and additional tax revenue will be generated.

My wife and I worked it out where she worked Saturday and Sunday nights and I was Mr. Mom from Saturday at 6:00 pm until they got up from their naps on Monday late afternoon. The old saying, where there’s a will, there’s a way applies here.

Yeah okay but how do we fix these problems, practically speaking? Paying teachers more is an idea that most Republicans don’t support, and I’m not sure how it would help prevent thuggery.

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The teachers are just one part of success in the classroom. Another aspect is cameras spotlighting disruptive behavior in the classroom. They need to be removed so that those trying to learn, are not deterred. The educational success of the upcoming generations is a key to the success of our nation. Our expenses regarding dealing with criminal behavior or for those that can not monetarily provide for themselves vs those that are now equipped educationally to deal with the responsibilities of adulthood and become tax revenue generators. Hopefully this success would be seen by others that have a choice of which road they’re going to choose; thuggery or along the path of education?

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Wonder what these two thugs parents are like?

There was no utopian time when it was easy to have a stay at home mother. When women couldn’t work families were just poorer. My early childhood was in part in a family with a father who worked, in a car factory and a stay at home mother, in the sixties. By today’s standards we were poor. Tiny house, 3 bedroom for four kids, one car, no ac, three tv channels and sometimes, government cheese during slow downs.

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Anecdotal but, my sister is a retired lawyer who substitute teaches now for extra bucks, forty bucks an hour to read books, she literally gives them a reading assignment and reads novels for the rest of the class. And that is known and accepted by two different state school systems now, first Jersey then Florida.

Here are some of the consequences of out of control crime:

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There’s been a number of things I’ve read about involving large crowds like this:

This is a kind of event that would typically attract families. God help us if even at events like this that thuggery becomes the norm.

Events are going to have to start turning away unaccompanied minors.

Well said. When a family is growing and struggling, they are a close knit family. When they get independently wealthy, they fall apart. Some families, not all families.

Grandparents living in the home was once seen as a good thing.