Do All Black Lives Matter or Just The Ones Who Die At the Hands of a White Officer?

Candace Owens says the ■■■■ that makes white people who want to pretend race isn’t an issue feel good. She shucks and jives.

When the riots were going on. Where were the police dispatched to the most?

Hint: It wasn’t the Back of the Yards

You been hanging out on gamersriseup or what.

Or maybe “White Guilt” is something crammed down our throats

Nah Candace Owens is tripping. She’s the one that got Kanye to say slavery was a choice and ruined his career. A lot of the ■■■■ she posts is so foul I can’t even post it here because it violates TOS.

Compared to the purity of those that disagree with her?

Nice racist stereotype there.

Your slip is showing.

My slip isn’t showing. I meant exactly what I said. She shucks and jives. Dances the soft-shoe. Yasserbosses. Capes.

The woman literally said in front of Congress that Hitler just wanted to make Germany great again and the only bad thing he did was invade other countries.

Is it possible, in the world in which people like you live, for a black person to disagree with you and not be labeled as such?

Yes. Not her though. She out here tap dancing. She doesn’t even believe any of it. She was an anti-Trump liberal who decided there was more money to be made on the right. Look it up. She’s a hustler and a fraud.

They are ALL hustlers and frauds

Who is they.

Then why does the BLM website contain a portal to donate to Democrat candidates? You’ll have to excuse my skepticism but something along the way got lost in the sauce. Democrats don’t give a rats arse about minorities except come election day. Democrat Minorities have been getting themselves elected to high office and city council management positions in cities all across America for decades. They’ve hired and fired police commissioners so why hasn’t the “race disparity police brutality” issue been addressed? Why haven’t police training programs been modified? Just curious, don’t hate on me.

They is They. Owens, Trump, Cortez, Cruz, Pelosi, Carville, etc

Thank you for taking the time my friend. I found it very interesting.

Because Republicans attack, misconstrue and refuse to understand BLM

Edit: i know you said dont hate on ya, so i stripped out some stuff directed at you

Marc Lamont…“the mind is a terrible thing to waste” :roll_eyes:

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I have a back ground in working with kids with gang affiliations…and watched over the Daily years where he basically sat by and did nothing while these gangs just infiltrated one neighborhood after another after another. They used to say Chicago had a gun problem…It was the Mantra on the news…remember? I used to tell my wife…it’s not a gun problem it’s a gang problem.

Guess what. I was right…


by die…do you mean having their lives snuffed out by a murderous thug who doesn’t give a damn about that kids life? Or do you mean they die of other things like accidents, and illness…because last I heard, those things are not murder or death by someone else’s illegal activity…Is it.

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