Disney has lost 200 BILLION DOLLARS in Two Years

But stock trading is largely controlled by profits. . .


Disney stock keeps falling. They got woke, and are going broke. Just from people voting with the channel changer.

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Get Woke Go Broke. :+1:


That’s not why their stock is falling… catching slogan tho:. So one must use it everywhere

They need to get @biggestal99 on their payroll to advise them. He 's bizness man. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


i know the difference between market cap and profits, if thats what you mean.

my company lost 100,000,000,000 in market cap in 2022.

my company made 20,000,000,000 in profits in 2022.


So … why is their stock falling?


The spend more money than they take in on Movies and Disney plus.

The have over 1/3rd of the top 10 highest grossing films this year, in a down box office overall. And have the third largest streaming platform.

Woke is not keeping people from watching their movies.

Apparently Secret Invasion had a 212 million budget for six episodes.

I’m going to give it a try but it looks mediocre and that’s hilarious.

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baghdad bob


So then the obvious question is, why are they taking in less money?

The same reason all studios are… people aren’t going to the movies like they did pre Covid. They would rather wait to stream it.

And why is that? Could it be for the same sort of reason that they no longer drink Bud Light?


Disney’s streaming service must be really crushing it?

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Doesn’t seem to be the case when 1/3 of the top 10 is Disney.

So again … why are they losing money?

That’s rhetorical. They are losing money because their revenue from those top ten movies is less than they anticipated, because fewer people than they expected are paying to see them.

Kinda like what happened to Bud Light sales expectations.

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Top 10 in what?

Due to woke?

That is what I was disputing. The cause of less revenue…

Grossing films

To be fair they release three times as many movies every year as every other studio.