Direct payments to citizens lowered the poverty rate in 2020

Pay them more. Oh and Stop berating people for choosing to get more money.

You don’t care. Trillions of government cheese to Wall Street by the cool one.

And those millions would be worthless. Hyperinflation, just like Venezuela.

And yes I know you was being sarcastic. :wink:

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Yes, DC gives money to wall street. But you support QE and big govt right?

So do you. They didn’t just give it they propped it up. To the tune of trillions. In 2020. Oh that’s right Biden was president in 2020.

No, I don’t support QE. Other than that, I have no idea what you are talking about.

Thts kind of sad.

Hey come on. Corporate welfare isn’t really welfare. After all, they paid for it with lobbying. Thousands of dollars in exchange for millions in taxpayer money. Nice gig if you can get it.

This whole both sides bad with our money thing (no you are not engaging in it) doesn’t make any sense because one side is spending it like a drunken sailor and the other side is spending it like a drunken sailor but is vehemently against being or drunk or being a sailor.

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I’m all for getting rid of the fed. Are you?

No i don’t engage in childish libertarians fantasies. Sorry.

Then you support their wall street subsidy don’t you?

Of course i do. So do you. I am just open about it.

Don’t tell me what I believe… Work on yourself.

You have yet to decry the cool one seeking a Wall Street stimulus to the tune of a trillion and having the fed prop them up to the tune 1.5 trillion. Soo i am just gonna go ahead with my assumptions.

Corporate welfare, qe etc is only bad if dems are in power

Otherwise it’s okie dokie.

and you agreed with Trump

Of course i did. On more than one occasion.

Ok, Then why are you complaining about the govt subsidizing Wall street, when you support it?

I am not. You funny. I am pointing out that you guys individually and collectively only care when dems are in power.

I can say it again for the cheap seats. Both sides spend money. One side spends money like a drunken sailor and is open about it while the other spending money like a drunken sailor except they are vehemently against both being a drunk and a sailor.

It’s not both sides bad. The side that does it Ans complains about is worse.

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Here you go. You are welcome btw