Dims Hoping Taylor Swift will turn Florida Blue?

Yes, those rednecks are the one who will go fight the dirty little wars.

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Watch what you say about Taylor Swift around your kids. Why it’s important


:rofl: My side!

…and applying your level of discernment, became a TDS Brandonite. Now are you ready? Your mother is much smarter than you. Maybe you should pay more attention to her wisdom?

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I was rooting for the 49ers as I’m a Bosa fan. His great grandfather was one of the coolest guys :sunglasses::+1:

Bosa is one of the best LBs in the league in my opinion.

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All this American Football (yep thats what I call it) makes my head hurt. Its all a foreign language to me. My brother in laws give me a lot of crap about not knowing the game but I give it back to them.

Nick Bosa/Position
Defensive end

■■■■■ my bad. Don’t get old and thanks for correcting me.

As I suspected, much to do about nothing.

What do you consider old? I am 59 And I also forget and/or mis-remember stuff…

I saw a couple offensive holds done on Bosa that were never called in the first quarter, which proves the fix was on for the Chiefs :rofl:


I was 59 once, 13 years ago. Parts wear out, keep moving have a purpose.


DEs & D Lineman are always held. Watch TJ Watt and Cam Heyward (Steelers), they’re held nearly every other play.
Just a heads up regarding the Chiefs being heralded for back to back SBs
The Steelers did it twice. :sunglasses:

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Damn! Good for you! hope I make it there and am still able to function!

Have a good day!

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Flipping heck, no way would I have guessed your age correctly. From your posts you come across as much younger. Hope I am still as capable when I hit your age.

I had to go back and make a correction. I was 59 years old 13 years ago.
See what I mean :crazy_face:

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You’re right. I went back and correct that post. 13 years ago I was 59. See, some things come a little slower. :star_struck:

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