Dims Hoping Taylor Swift will turn Florida Blue?

That sounds like a very healthy approach.

Cheers. I made a ■■■■ ton of mistakes as a dad but overall I like to think I did an ok job.

Mine are. They’ve observed how I’ve treated their mother for over 40 years. They’ve observed how I treat others. They’ve observed how successful I’ve been in business. They’ve observed that I make very few mistakes, not because I’m that smart but because I take baby steps, continuously looking spherically for anything that can go wrong. They’ve observed that in my world, if everything goes wrong, they’ll still be ok. I don’t risk what I can’t afford to lose. That said, they believe my politics are spot on.

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You’re right and it is a major part of what I do and being what the other professionals in my business label as being very good at it. Thanks for the compliment. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

It’s the mutual involvement of both the mother and the father, unitedly and lovingly…working together, raising your children along the path of education. I hope if you choose a mate, you honor your vows. If you do, you’ve increased the probability of having children that will also be successful in their lives.

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And??..She couldn’t have come to her views on her own? …I’m the only “Lib” in my pretty conservative family. I made up my own mind, nobody coached my views into me. My mother always said she had no idea what happened to me politics wise…lol. She used to read Limbaughs books etc, she was pretty into politics.

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And that is what they have decided which is how it should be. I am sure there are tens of thousands of other parents like you who have given the same life lessons and their kids took a different turn in their political views.

My mum was a hippy, went on ban the bomb protests, into all sorts of new age crap and my dad was very conservative in his views so we got all sorts of mixed messages.

She is wearing a lot of red lately. I hope she stays out of politics.

Too late. She’s already inserted herself into a Tn race or too (Marsha Blackburn for 1) and come out on the losing side.

Why should she? I have no issue with actors, misicians, celebrities using their platform to support Republicans and Trump. If I had a social media reach of more than my insignificant handful I would use it to push my political opinion and thoughts.

They should set up voter registration booths at every one of her US concerts.

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Yeah, because “Swifties” should choose our managers.

She might lean to the right.

How are they any different than muddin’ yeehaa’ing red neck country music types? …lol. Are you ok with them choosing our managers?

But Kid Rock shooting Bud Lights? National ■■■■■■■ hero. To some here.

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Name one?

And not ask for an ID for proof of eligibility :crazy_face:

Whatever the states require.