Dims Hoping Taylor Swift will turn Florida Blue?

I enjoyed Taylor’s music until she went political and now I just switch the station.

I’m neither a D or an R because for decades I’ve despised both sides of the aisle…in part…for what you’ve said. Trump has done the most for the causes I believe are right for the nation, in spite of his disrespectful behavior for the office. You’ll have your chance to improve the area of your concern in November. The only question is, will you be overcome by the TDS hate being continuously perpetuated by the mainstream media?

She tried to flip TN too by backing Phil Bredesen against Marsha Blackburn.

That went down in flames! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

She doesn’t have the influence she apparently thinks she does. :roll_eyes:

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I’ll never get this…

I think Ted Nugent is a total ■■■■■■■ for his political views, but it doesn’t stop me ftom listening to and jamming along with his music.


Dolly Parton was much smarter about that.

She said early in her career that she would never talk politics (and that she does have political opinions) in public because it would cost her fans either way.

Obviously…Ted has a Stranglehold on you. Me too. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Saw him a few times back in the 70’s and early 80’s.

I’ll stick to good Bourbon, not cheap either. Cheap Bourbon whiskey gives me a headache.:face_with_raised_eyebrow:


So maybe Taylor Swift for president? :blush:

A winning ticket if middle school girls could vote.

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Democrats give them a blankey and a sippy cup so they can curl up in a fetal position in the corner every time it rains.
Democrats brain-wash them from kindergarten and turn them into stupid idiots where most of them leave highschool with no ability to read or find their home state on the map.
Democrats promise to pay off their debts instead of putting them to WORK to pay off those loans now that they have all THOSE DEGREES.
Then they can hybernate in momma’s basement till they are 50 collecting even more degrees on tax-payers dime.

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She’d at least be a better VP than Kamala.

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Well yeah but that’s also true for a bag of rocks.

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Zappa used to have Women League of Voter set up tables at his concerts to get people to register to vote…

then he would come on on a hoppity horse (google it) with ronald reagans face on it…


Political? Because she encouraged people to register to vote and publicly supported Biden in 2020?

What about all the conservative musicians/actors etc who publicly support Trump and are far more political than Swift? Are you also critical of them?

I suspect you would not be switching the station if she publicly endorsed Trump.

Lets be honest each of us on this forum as political junkies would be very political if we had some semblance of being a public figure and had the opportunity to get our opinions and views to a wider audience.

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Those who likely have never heard of Frank Zappa should simply read the Wikipedia synopsis of Zappa’s life and work. Aside from his musical prowess he was very prophetic about government, politics and the dangers some of which we are experiencing today.

I did not know that so did some reading. Interesting, here is what he said in 1986 on CNN.

“The biggest threat to America today is not communism, it’s moving America toward a fascist theocracy, and everything that’s happened during the Regan administration is steering us right down that pipe. […] When you have a government that prefers a certain moral code derived from a certain religion and that moral code turns into legislation to suit one certain religious point of view, and if that code happens to be very very right wing, almost toward Attila the Hun.”

I need to do more reading up on what else he said.


Probably not, but throw in a ballot measure to bring back abortion rights might make it a lot closer.

Best not think about bringing back the intelligence test to vote. I’ve seen some of the diehard Trump fans on my mail routes, and, uh, no way in HELL they’d pass the test.:rofl:

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Yeah, when Stranglehold starts playing it get ■■■■■■■ cranked up!