Dims Hoping Taylor Swift will turn Florida Blue?

No my friend. It was long before that that I stopped listening to her. Long ago I realized that my vote…is how, where and with whom I choose to spend my time and money. She is on my poo-poo list.

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You see…we have areas of common ground that we can find agreement and Stranglehold is one of the finest displays of guitar talent ever done IMO.

The original fans of Taylor Swift are in their thirties now.

Could Swift swing a presidential election by, say, going out and stumping for Biden? No. But could she make percentage point or two difference in a lot of states? Yes, and if it’s the right three states, well.

I wouldn’t mess her with her personally. She has more dough, a bigger company and a bigger Twitter mob of psychopaths than Trump.


:face_vomiting: No


Second the No.

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Gawrsh I been cut off at the knees before but…
Swift was talented enough for Toby Keith to introduce her to his record label. But that was long before the “Swiftie Vegas Show” and $$$ production.

No doubt Swift is talented musically and also - very canny businesswoman. She has surrounded herself with a good team and by all accounts treats those around her pretty good.

Her music is not my taste but that does not mean its not any good. Her Eras tour is projected to take in over $2 billion and has been earning $17m per show. You dont get to command yhose types of sales without having a product that sells.

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No she’s not.

The dollars and her millions of fans worldwide say otherwise but everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Don’t confuse popularity with talent.

Jesus …if you can’t admit she’s freaking talented just because you don’t like her, it makes you seem pretty petty. She is clearly talented and is amazingly good at navigating how the music industry has changed over the years and is a billionaire because of it.


She’s not talented. I don’t know her to dislike her.

What does the Good Lord have to do with it?

Trump is popular. Is he talented?

Trump is absolutely talented. I would never deny that. Hes talented at things that I think have a negative impact overall, but I would never say he’s not talented. As for the Jesus thing, again, it’s an expression. Get over it.

:rofl: Trump is talented! Now I’ve heard it all.

You won’t get over it.

Why do you think you are entitled to use that name as an expression? You don’t know Him.

You’d genuinely think capitalists would like Taylor Swift. That Eras tour she just did? Every city she went to raked in July 4th/St. Patrick’s Day money for three straight days. I witnessed it and I’ve never see a concert doo that.

I don’t begrudge her fleecing 13 year-old girls’ fathers.

I’d say being a good con man is a talent like anything else.

Of course you would. Ignore the context.

He’s also a good salesman…is that not talent?

No he’s not. :rofl: