Did Trump disparage veterans?

That was just locker room talk.

you think prepositioning assets, doing security sweeps, informing the locals and anything else required for Presidential security on a motorcade is easily accomplished in a morning?

Reading is Fundamental

I have worked in situations where a President or a First Lady is Present.


The answer is yes.

What it takes is planning ahead.

Other administrations would plan contingencies. President Trump was the only leader to not attend this memorial. It was shameful at the time.

Today we found out it was worse than we thought.


But he was the only leader who “commands the world’s largest military”. He’s not “other leaders”.


All the same ol Russian Collusion fake news people, and more proof the left are those who can always be fooled.

You can fool some of the people all the time, we call then democrats.

Rooskie, Rooskie, Rooskie…lol

sure is… go find the post where i said this was the same event.

silly leftists and their assumptions. thanks for the laugh

Kind of odd that the “proof” Trump attended a WWI memorial was he went AFTER every other leader attended the a memorial AND Trump got laughed at for skipping it because of rain.

Good for Trump for enduring a few rain drops to honor the fallen heroes.

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What does this have to do with Trump?

Every other country was able to adjust. Why couldn’t the US?

You believe Bolton is an honest man and a truth-teller?

There’s nothing left to reduce.

You believe Bolton was hiding anti-Trump garbage from his book…stuff that could have made it sell even better?
Why? Because of his love of Trump?

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How do we know Bolton was present when the comments were made?

Everything we are seeing so far could easily be a case of everyone telling the truth as they saw it.

Trump didn’t want to go.
He made the comments.
The weather provided a convenient excuse for Trump not attending.
Bolton was only present for the parts where they explained why they wouldn’t go because of the weather…and knew nothing about Trump’s reluctance to go in the first place or the comments he is purported to have made.

Everything I wrote above could be all true at the same time.

PS As for the other event in the rain…remember that occurred AFTER Trump skipped the first event and got criticized for doing so. And so could have motivated him to go to that other event.


You tried. I’ll give you that.

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This needs repeated. He was the ONLY one to no-show the event.

Their excuse? Budget concerns. S&S is 0.0002% of the Pentagon Budget.

Bolton would have juiced up the book if he could have no doubt because of book sales.

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Miraculously every other attending Head of State and their respective administrations were able to figure it out and accommodate. What made Trump’s administration so incompetent by comparison?


Well those Brits had a leg up on the secret technology… umbrella. We know trump had difficulty with such advanced piece of hardware before