Did Trump disparage veterans?

Which of the journalists in question is known for using false sources?

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silly gullible leftists will fall for anything

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That is a completely different event on a different day


Hey… not to get too off topic… but how do you feel about the Bipartisan Senate Intel report that shows that only was Kilimnik working for the Kremiln and the Campaign Manager was passing info off to him but also that the Trump Tower meeting was coordinated with parts of the Russian Government?

And people still like to call that a Presidential campaign that is up to their eyeballs in foreign influence a “hoax”



Completely different event…and shows that the rain isn’t really a valid excuse, doesn’t it?


yes it is, commemorating the same thing. one they did not need to do a last minute change to try to provide security for the POTUS in a motorcade 1.5 hours long.

That was the next day after all of the bad press.

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Its two days later. The Snopes article gives the reason he gave for not attending the first event.
Buy it or not. At least it is supported and makes sense…unlike this latest nonsense.

This reporting at this time would reduce the credibility of the media even further…if there were anything left to reduce.

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It was not a last minute change. It had been planned for a long time and was an official part of the ceremonies

Also not a single other world leader had a problem getting there despite facing the same issues. Trump was the only no-show


There is nothing new that wouldn’t be found in threads in this forum two years ago.

Lets do insulting a gold star mother next.

You know… thinking about it at the time I guess an administration that could not have a contingency plan to transport someone fifty miles in a light rain wouldn’t be able to handle a global pandemic.

How far have we allowed this country to fall?


Sure there is. 2 years ago we didn’t know he called dead veterans losers

That’s right.

Anonymous sources are only cool when they are disparaging toward Lib candidates.

We still don’t know that.

And most of what is discussed here is not about that but stuff that could have been pulled from those old threads.

There’s nothing to discuss about rumors that he said they were losers. You accept it based on faith or you don’t.

Well this story is poor timing.

except of course that it was recommended marine one not fly which would have changed the travel plans and security.

i get it, leftist will believe whatever garbage the masters put out for them when they tell them what their opinion is supposed to be. no problem.

Feature, not a bug

An administration that doesn’t have multiple contingency plans for handling light rain is just the kind of leadership we look for.