Did Reporters Bring Covid-19 Into The White House?

Go nuts.

You would think the WH would do some basic things like contact tracing to figure it out. Wonder why they won’t.

Once again Democrats get away with their dastardly schemes because…the Republican WH couldn’t hit sand if they fell off a camel.

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I just said i was for it, weird response…really weird…

A gaggle of goofball Republicans make a big show of mocking masks, refuse to social distance, and insist on repeatedly holding large indoor gatherings, in the midst of a pandemic.

But no. It’s someone else’s fault. The blame is always over there. Point the little blame finger here and there, but no never point it at the man in charge.


You need to reread the question. I asked why you thimk the White House is against contact tracing

Thankfully Trumpcare is right around the corner!

Actually it’s not a weird response.

What it shows is the White House doesn’t seem to share your concern of a possible attack on them.

It’s almost as if they know the reasons why the West Wing is now a fetid COVID Swamp…and are actively trying to not let that get out.

Now…why would that be, I wonder!

Maybe, just maybe, before they accuse anyone of anything they want to make sure who did it? But hey, the left will jump to any & every accusation & conspiracy theory daily. The left are masters of spin, rumor, lies, & false accusations. But hey, my turn to speculate…

Great isn’t it?

Democrat mind games! Sez he sez he.

It has to be compassion. They obviously don’t want the press demonized…or something

Yeah, near 100% infection rate. The end is near!

But they are doing the exact opposite in forbidding contact tracing. Weird

You don’t know that. I bet it was reported by CNN…

Yes we do.

Of course, CNN on the job!

The closer we get to the Biden Landslide that’s coming, the more silly these posts get…
It’s def amusing

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Another day, another conspiracy theory.

Tell that to President Hillery.

I think a more plausible explanation is that Pence is the real mastermind behind all of this. How is it that the 2nd in line to the Presidency was at all of these same events, mingling with all of these same infected people, and is perfectly fine today? It only stands to reason he is trying to take out Trump before the election, in order to become the President himself. I think an investigation should be started to look into what some people are strongly saying about Pence.


Yeah, it’s just this time it’s from me & not the left! :wink: