Did Reporters Bring Covid-19 Into The White House?

She didn’t win.
Nor did polls indicate a landslide.

This ain’t 2016, Biden ain’t Clinton, and Trump ain’t winning.

Yeah…except you & I both know he doesn’t hate Trump like the left HATES Trump.

Many people are saying this. Some of the best people. I mean, just look at him with that perfect silver hair and normal skin and Cheshire smile. Nefarious!

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She was ahead in the polls up to the election. Almost everyone expected her to win, including me & my friends. We was all surprised how it turned out.

It surely is. Like all of Trump’s promises - twice the efficiency, half the costed!

It’s not about hate. He LOVES power. And being President would make him the most powerful man in the world. Many people are saying we should find out why Pence is not infected and is out going about his business while his boss has the plague.

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Who said anything about accusing?

They aren’t even investigating. They’re actively shutting down any investigation.

What was it Ned Flanders said in the Simpson’s Halloween special when a shocked Homer discovers he’s really the Devil?

“Heh heh…it’s always the one you least suspect.”

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I think he is Anonymous as well.

At the very least an investigation should be started to find out for sure. He has never said out loud that he is NOT anonymous. :thinking:

Are you trying to be ironic? Most of the conspiracy theories are coming from the right.

Could Pence be the one who shut down the investigation?

drip, drip, drip

Well I mean c’mon…it makes perfect sense that COVID infected reporters would infiltrate the White House to bring down a great administration that has exposed their industry for the America hatin’ subversive cabal it truly is!

It seems libs can’t answer!

(disclaimer - this is sarcasm)

You may be onto something there. Pence stands the most to gain if he takes out Trump - he can become president, serve out the rest of this year, then have 8 more years to serve.



It’s the most logical conspiracy theory. Where is Plague Pence?


Wasn’t it the OAN reporters that generally did not wear mask?


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Wait a minute…are you saying the timeline suggests the WH may have infected the reporters, and not the other way around?

But that would set the conspiracy theorists’ wheels in motion insinuating it was Trump’s white-hot hatred of the press that motivated him to put those reporters at risk!
