Did Obama Commit A Crime

I’ve got the same doctor I had when he said that.

Had him for decades.

That’s such an ignorant statement, it’s amazing. Ask Cynthia McKinney…

It doesn’t matter?
That blow hard geezer we voted for that’s in charge of the DOJ hasn’t done a damn thing except waste tax payers $$. Let’s say Osama Obama did commit crimes, who’s going to prosecute the case? The DOJ, guess what? Trump will let him skate also.

Yeah, the false equivalence would be annoying if it wasn’t so funny.

Ha. Tell a lie often enough and it becomes “true” I guess. What a rube some people are.

Extreme partisans usually believe whatever confirms their beliefs.

Yep. The IRS scandal was pure right-wing victimhood. It was perhaps the biggest nothingburger “scandal” of his entire presidency. There was LITERALLY no “there” there. No right-wing groups were forced to stop their activities, or were prevented from doing what they wanted, etc. etc. It’s a complete fabrication by the right to try to make SOMETHING stick against Obama.

The entire country was not in chaos for one thing.

“In 2011, former Congresswoman and 2008 Green Party candidate for
President, Cynthia McKinney, took a delegation of observers to Libya to
monitor NATO’s purported humanitarian intervention. Prefaced by Ramsey Clark, this collection of essays includes scholarly and legal analysis, as well as personal
accounts by witnesses to the NATO assault on a helpless civilian population it had a UN mandate to protect, and the massive propaganda campaign
that made it possible.”

You can’t do your activities when you’ve been denied your tax exempt org you need to start your activities… It’s sad you don’t care about the IRS abuse of fellow Americans, in fact it make dems happy as far as I can tell…

Her parents were not foreign born, they were African American citizens.

Nobody was denied tax exempt status.

Do you have any evidence that any of these groups were unable to conduct their business while their status was being reviewed?

If foreign citizens have a child on American soil, is that child an American citizen or not?

We see that connetion as a lifelong relationship.

One always has a tie to one country of birth.

For the third ■■■■■■■ time, cratic:

How were things better under your BFF Qaddafi?

No, he doesn’t. It’s ■■■■■■■■ he was spoon fed by the hysterical right-wing media during the Obama years, and he gobbled it up and asked for seconds.

Romney got more votes than what McCain got from 11 out of the 12 battleground states. President Obama won the 2012 election due to the high black voter turnout in the battleground states along with the majority of the swing voters going towards him.

Advocating for a candidate is not an eligible reason for a tax exempt classification, so if they were honest on their applications they would be denied that status anyhow. Case closed.

I recognize that this is futile, and you have no interest in truth. This has almost certainly been explained to you many times.

501c4 organizations do not have to “wait” for approval to begin operations and no conservative 501c4 were denied tax-exemept status.

Each and every one of those 501c4s operated throughout the election cycle.

I think you are talking about your feelings and some asinine notions you heard or talking points you read. Smell the bacon and coffee, Brother Party Free.

I kept my doctor as did my entire family.

Show evidence of me creating a narrative, then. All I’ve done in this thread is state what is-not what I want to be. I have no dog in this fight-I don’t like Trump, but I also didn’t like Hillary and didn’t vote for her, and have absolutely ZERO problem with the Trump DOJ looking into whether she committed a crime. I just wish Trump would stop smacking the screen of his phone with those tiny thumbs of his, and either start the investigation or just shut up about it. Don’t you agree? Or am I creating a narrative from talking points I read?