Did Anyone Catch the Trumpus MAGA Mega Rally In Tampa?

This thing call a check. I sorta remember it vaguely.

Now I use a debit card instead. (with a chip, natch)


You must not have employees.

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Good lord, a check.

serious question. when was the last time YOU personally wrote a check for groceries?

dont you have a debit card, a credit card. cash.


Direct deposit. No checks required.

I purposely don’t keep cash on me. It makes it easy when one of my kids says “Dad do you have 20 bucks?”

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What do you think people would have said here if Obama supporters would have camped out to see one of his campaign rallies?

His customers probably pay him with direct deposits as well. LOL

Smart thinking.

My kids know that my wife and I aren’t cash carriers. And they are young enough that when we say “we don’t have the money”, they believe us (even if we have a cart full of stuff, haha).

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  1. Still waiting for Mexico to pay for wall. LOL

  2. the repeal of Obamacare.

  3. Locking Hillary up. (instead looks like it is an ex campaign manager whos gonna end up in club fed)


What difference does them getting your cash make, they can’t use it, since they probably don’t have photo ID yet.



You think he connects with “all workers”?

You think he “busts his ass” working?

When does he work?

What work does he do?

He sits on his ass and tweets for most of the day.

Then he sits on his ass like a lump in the occasional staff meeting of some sort.

He goes golfing at an exorbitant rate, already over 125 rounds played in at least 110 outings to his properties where it costs as much as $3 million of taxpayers dollars to cover the cost of just one of his needless golf weekends down to Marred-A-Lago.

Then he sits on Marine One for the ride to Dulles where he boards AF1 to sit on his ass for the trip down to Florida, where he deplanes and then gets in “the Beast” for the trip to the resort from the airport. Once at his resort he sits on his ass until he goes to play a round. He doesn’t walk the course, no, he sits on his ass in a golf cart for which the American Taxpayers are paying the rental fee, at his own freaking golf course, he charges us to go play golf at his resort!

His hardest physical effort is lying through his teeth while standing at a podium, for 45 minutes or maybe an hour, at one of his far too numerous 2020 REELECTION RALLYS that he has somewhere across this nation each month.

Since gaining office the Fat Donald has spent nearly 33% of his days (well over 160 days) visiting (vacationing) at any one of his resort properties.

Oh, he has nearly posted 4,000 worthless tweets, which after golfing probably takes up the bulk of his time, when he isn’t being forced to attend some boring meeting.

Yeah, he really “busts his ass”, or actually, I think you are really busting our chops with that bogus claim.

Anyone really paying attention knows he is not busting his ass.


Is this the rally where this happened?

Just a sample of the sad scene we faced at the Trump rally in Tampa. I’m very worried that the hostility whipped up by Trump and some in conservative media will result in somebody getting hurt. We should not treat our fellow Americans this way. The press is not the enemy. pic.twitter.com/IhSRw5Ui3R

— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) August 1, 2018


But, hey, plenty of normal people were there, just having a normal time.



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Plenty of businesses in my town don’t take checks.

I love the one black guy in the audience that holds up the sign “Blacks for Trump.” Underneath it are the words Gods2.com. Pretty ■■■■■■■ weird site to take a look at. Literally everyone else in there is white.

You think it was coincidence he was seated directly behind the podium?

Has the Trump team taken a look at his website he is promoting?

Every business I know, large and small, is doing everything they can to avoid checks and cash. The efficiency of electronic banking and lower cost are just too great. Those that still use checks and cash are saying a lot about their business acumen.

I think it views better on a dial up modem… Web designers of the 90’s approve of this site…

Of course not. It’s all superficial and for show, just like everything Trump.