DHS Report: White Supremacists Most Legal Threat in US

Again, a complete misrepresentation of what I said. How did I defend them against charges of racism? I in fact asked for the evidence of the racism. That is not a defense. A defense is looking at proven facts of racism and saying its not their fault or yes, but…
Asking for evidence of charges is not a defense against those charges. Prosecutors ask for evidence against criminals before they put them in prison, that does not mean they defend what they do.
Oh, and pride in not knowing about the proud boys? Where did you perceive that pride? It was a statement of fact.
I wonder if you perhaps perceive racism the same way you perceive pride…an internal feeling?

When you pride yourself on being entirely ignorant of a subject, and yet demand scientific proof to support descriptions of that subject by people not ignorant of it, that is itself a defense.

This isn’t a court of law. There are no “charges”. There is no punishment.

Instead of spending all this time defending your ignorance of the Proud Boys, why not just spend some time learning about them?

Everything about them is on the internet.

And its not good

Use the hashtag #ProudBoys on Twitter, good place to start.

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Scientific proof? You said they were racist. I asked for evidence. Now this is somehow transformed itself into “scientific proof”. You haven’t even provided the slightest bit of evidence and I “perceive” you are outraged that I would ask for any evidence at all of your claim.
I should just say “an anonymous person on the internet said the Proud Boys, whom I know nothing about are racists”…so they must be.
Because I trust “TheDoctorIsIn”.

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I agree, but that’s a value judgement.

DHS is deep state now :rofl::rofl:

Are we talking about a DHS report, or some reporters interpretation of a leakers representation of a DHS report?
Is the report actually available?

My “evidence” is personal experience - as in, learning about them, rather than reveling in ignorance.

I have spoken to “Proud Boys.” I have seen them in action. I have learned about them.

I am not outraged, in any sense of the word. I am only curious about this ignorance is bliss perspective that I’ve seen before.

Why not learn about them? I’m not saying you should listen to me - go read what they have to say. Learn.

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DHS… Deep Hillary State. Coincidence? I think not!!!

the report that is literally in the OP article? literally the first two words of the second sentence?

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Totally not defending them.


A 10-second Google search - or 30 seconds reading the OP would answer this question.

I understand that arguing from ignorance is easier - you get to demand varying levels of proof for any and all statements, dependant on whether you want to believe them or not - but it is often so easily remedied that it can only be seen as disingenuous.

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Along with being very transparent

I asked about the report. I had in fact seen that report and did not know it was the same one the OP was talking about.
If gloating about that error is what makes you happy here, I think we are through.

I am not “gloating” about anything. I am only noticing parallels in your posts.

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You read the DHS report on white supremacists but didn’t know if the OP about the DHS report labeling white supremaciststs our #1 domestic threat was tallking about the same report?



Typically when I ask a question, and others point out to me that the information was already provided, thanking them for correcting me is the proper response.

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I’ll go with the most criminal admin. in American history … O’bama’s !