Desperately trying understand the reasoning of Trump supporters

Bummer. No more “crumbs” for you.:worried:

Plenty of crumbs coming out every day like Bruce Ohres 302’s.

No new crumbs though because 8chan is gone. What’s the alternative?

Thanks for the deflective, unrelated fantasy deflection!

When will patriots start complaining about unpatriotic debt and deficit again and start giving speeches as paul revere again?

You sound excited but it’s only temporary.

You sound scare fore poor little Obama the traitor, with the death penalty back in play and court TV it should be an entertaining election year.

Qunnies never say die.

They say derp.

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Sound like the Russian collusion lie we’ve been hearing about for how long?

That’s OK because Durham’s Patriots will fix Obama’s problems with all his scandals.

Scare fore? I’m not sure what that means…is that Italian or Spanish?

Continue deflecting!

It’s called a typo, glade I could help you with your confusion.

Talk about obscure beliefs! Wow

If you seriously think that executing B Obama would not have major repercussions for the USA you are very much mistaken.

I’m a Dem. I don’t care that Trump vacations. It’s part of the job - any job. I find it incredibly humorous that Trump and his supporters made big hay out of Obama vacations. Trump even said he’d be too busy to vacation.

Why don’t Trump supporters ever criticize that?

Don’t forget Trump also said he wouldn’t play golf either.

We all look forward to Durham’s investigation ending which is soon.

No need to broadcast the obvious

Is he investigating the 10 lines of inquiry outlined in Mueller’s Report?

Not interested in the crimes committed by the Obama Administration in their attempted coup?

Because Trump has that precious R after his name.

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Way to much. Must be new here